If I say that there was a bright light in the sky or the voice of God that made me change
my mind and start my college path or journey to academic enlightenment, then I would be lying
to everyone! There was none of that, but rather, the chance, or better yet, the opportunity to say I
have earned my degree. I would have the privilege to say that I started and completed something
that is going to lead me to where I know I need to be. And where I need to be is teaching!
In case you don’t know, my degree is in Education. I first caught the bug for teaching 16
years ago when I preached my first sermon in front of a small congregation. I enjoyed the
preparation and of course the delivery. Even though I was just starting out, I felt like I could do
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I really enjoy it!
Not only is my passion for the classroom setting but it’s also teaching my kids new
things. What is it about teaching your daughter to ride a bike for the first time or showing your
son how to color in between the lines that brings you so much joy? When that little light goes on
in their heads and they look up at you and say, “I get it Daddy,” then I know I have done my
part. The same thing happens when inside the classroom.
I have a short story to end this assignment. This happened this past May when I was
teaching a series to my young adult group on choices. In one of the sessions, I had mentioned
that sometimes in life you take the path that is easy and it doesn’t require much out of you but
many times it will lead to chaos. However, if we take the path that requires more work effort out
of us, the end result is so much better. A week later, a young lady that was in my class comes up
to me and hands me a framed picture of a road with two directions. I look at it and say “thank
you?” She says to me, “I was walking in the mountains with my camera taking random
We display this because we want the parents to value their children’s efforts as this will increase the child’s levels of self confidence.
I am a great teacher and am passionate about achieving my goals. I have several years of teaching experience and my enthusiasm for teaching children has only grown.
How would I tell the ones I love that I love
For a long time I didn’t know what I would like to pursue as a career but when I reflected on my life I realized some of my favorite times in life were when I was teaching someone something and when I was learning. In my future career as a high school teacher I will able to do both of those things. Seeing peoples’ eyes light up with interest because they
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve known what I wanted to do. I am one of those people who was blessed enough to realize my passion at an early age. As far back as I can remember, I’ve wanted to become a teacher. I can remember as a child sitting in my room, surrounded by my stuffed animals (or students, as I saw them) and forcing my younger brother to sit still and quietly do the work I assigned him. I even had two baskets which I kept on my little wooden desk; one for my “students” to turn in work, and the other for more work which needed to be graded. I spent many afternoons
Every day I wake up to two little boys, they look up at me and say “Good morning Mom” in
Yet the more I envisioned myself as a teacher and tried to let go of my perfect dream, the more I realized teaching was not what I wanted. While working under my stepmother in the shop sweeping, cleaning, washing towels, coloring bowls, shampooing customers here and there, taking care of guest, answering the phones, and watching in adoration, I gained more knowledge than I can express, a little experience, and a future goal for my life. As I enter college in the next year I plan to pursue a degree in business management as well
When I think about the reasons why I want to teach one reason always comes to mind. That look on the child’s face when they first see you each day. They are so happy to be there. They know that I will always be there for them. I offer them a sincere greeting and a caring environment. We joke, play, and learn together, all while making a unique connection. I love that the students teach me just as much as I will be teaching them. They teach me to live simple and stop worrying so much.
It was a delightful feeling to converse with many of my fellow students that share the same passion as myself.
It wasn’t until junior year of high school, I realized I had a strong passion for teaching and helping others. When I was a child, dress-up and tea parties were never an option for my “play-date” guests. I was always pretending to be a teacher, while my guest landed the role as the student in class along with all of my stuffed animals and dolls. I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher, but it wasn’t until I reached high school I realized I wanted to become a high school teacher. For a while I was unsure of what I would like to teach. All I knew was I wanted to teach at a secondary level. During senior year, I found my passion. I realized Family and Consumer Science was the path for me.
I always thought I would be a teacher and I would make differences in lives and it would be the greatest experience in the world for me, yet being a teacher wasn’t enough, I had a need to expand my education. I decided that perhaps I needed a new career, however, I felt certain education remained my passion. I began to explore new areas of education and I realized I still want to be a member of a classroom, a school and curriculum. I aspire to guide those leading our classrooms.
Lauren: You might be thinking we are too immature to take on that task, but it’s not like you are forcing use to do it. If we chose that we want to do it, we feel like we can. It’s having a growth mindset. So we had the idea to put on a presentation in picture form to help you understand.
To say that "I am extremely passionate about working with children" would be an enormous understatement in regards to my personal experiences, ideologies and self-proclaimed purposes in respects to working in public schools. Being passionate about ones every day line of work is a huge deciding factor for most of us when it comes to “what we want to be when we grow up.” Conversely, it was quite simple for me, you see the rewards of teaching truly lie in the outcomes of one’s teaching. Knowing that from the first day of school, what I do and how I do it will have a domino effect on hundreds of lives throughout my career as an educator. In hopes to not only work in a field that I both admire and aspire to be a part of, I am also driven to one day be that teacher in which my students can look back and say “Miss. Chadwick really motivated me to be a better learner, artist, writer” and hopefully “a better person.”
There are people who love to spend time with children, and some who loves to share their learning to others. But what if you love both children and teaching? Well, I must say that you are fit to become one of the teachers who will help these little children to explore the world and provide them with early education to help them acquire the foundation of knowledge and skills to become great individuals someday.
The calling to become a teacher came on to me very subtly. I’ve been in a broad spectrum of