
Villains In Richard Wright's Native Son

Decent Essays

1983. From a novel or play of literary merit, select an important character who is a villain. Then, in a well-organized essay, analyze the nature of the character’s villainy and show how it enhances meaning in the work. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Villain - (in a film, novel, or play) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.

The novel Native Son by Richard Wright is a classic story about racism and how black people handled it. The main character, Bigger Thomas, was a black man who was surrounded by racism everyday. He was poor, constantly getting into trouble with his friends, and had no job. He had a brother, a sister, and a mother, who all seemed to get on his nerves sometimes. To add onto all of that, …show more content…

Bigger would go around with Gus, Jack, and G.H., and do nothing good for the community. The friends would either violently play pool in the pool room, or go steal from some other black people, because they thought it was okay to steal from their own race. His friends never thought it was wrong for them to not have jobs and just lay around bumming money off their parents, so Bigger didn’t either. Bigger is a villain for never speaking up and telling his friends what was right and wrong. He went along with them and was just as much in on it as everybody else. Bigger Thomas got even more villainous, and tried to convince his friends to steal from a white man’s store. His friends were shaky about it but subtly agreed to perform a …show more content…

He didn’t like any of them, as they were not evil like he was, but rather good people helping a good cause. Bigger took the master’s daughter and boyfriend out to eat that night. The group went to a nice shack by Bigger’s home and ordered alcohol. Bigger liked this idea because he would get to know them better and get some insight on their backgrounds. As the night progressed, Bigger could see that Mary was very intoxicated. Bigger took mary to bed, as she was drunk and he volunteered to carry her up the stairs. Bigger started to seduce her. Mary didn’t know what was going on so she just went with the flow, as the sneaky and evil Bigger was trying to take advantage. But then Mary’s grandmother busted into the room to listen to what was going on(she is blind). Bigger, not caring about Mary, but just the money from his job, killed Mary by suffocation. He wasn’t bothered by it too much, he just played it off as some freak accident her boyfriend did. Bigger killed a white girl in an extremely racist world, and just shrugged it off as a great villain

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