Edmond Dantes, about to be married, is taken away because he is denounced by his undiscovered enemies, Fernand, Caderousse, and Danglars. As he is being held in prison, he meets Monsieur de Villefort. As Dantes is telling Villefort about his life, Monsieur de Villefort feels his “coincidence shook his usual impassivity and struck a chord of sympathy in the depths of his soul,”(25) because he feels sympathy for a man his age, to be attacked by someone when he has not done anything wrong. Monsieur de Villefort, then promises Edmond Dantes that he will be free but asks for the letter first. When Villefort finds out it is for Nortier, his father, “a thunderbolt could not have struck Villefort more suddenly or unexpectedly”(28). Villefort’s father
Edmond Dantes was a 19 year old man who became captain of a ship name the Pharaon. He was much loved by everyone. He is pretty gullible and becomes vengeful when the one guy he considered his friend betrayed him the other two who he was not to fond of ruined his life. He was a respectable young man who showed that numerous times like when he had to leave Morrel while he was talking to him; he said “I beg you excuse me, Monsieur Morrel (Dumas 5). He was to be betrothed to a girl named Mercedes who he’d loved very much but he loved his father most of all. He felt bad when he found out his father was broke from paying his debt causing him to fall to his knees and said “may God forgive me” (Dumas 9). Dantès is a pretty unique character who
In this quote, Villefort finds out that Dante’s is about to get married and starts to actually feel sorry for the man because he himself was also about to get married. I chose this quote because I think it symbolizes that even though Villefort is mainly an antagonist he still has good aspects to him as well.
The main theme that is presented within The Count of Monte Cristo is that revenge and manipulation is easily able to hurt someone, but also benefit another. In this case, Edmond Dantès takes the side of benefit and those brought underneath his vengeance had been ruined. After a plan carefully schemed by three of his false friends, Dantes was thrown into prison and placed under a situation of betrayal and resentment. This long wait in the chateau d’If had put a need for revenge into Dantès head which had transformed him into the Count of Monte Cristo. Although the Count was considered bitter and cold, his seek for revenge had only benefitted him into a more creatively malicious character. Furthermore, this manipulation that Dantès had been put
Going back in the story, everything was good. The friendship between Fernand Mondego and Edmond Dantes seems valuable and so Mercedes, Dantes’ fiancée was all at well. But then sometimes, unexpected revelations came whenever you aren’t expecting it. It is quite funny to imagine that the person whom you trusted and unexpected to be the cause of such a trouble – is the same person who will bring you down and seize to take all you have which also he envied long time ago. We can see that this is what Fernand Mondego did, though it is a fiction but also, a fact!
Come on, Villefort: to work.” (Pg. 25) This quote is important also because it leads to the climax of the novel. The letter which got Dantes arrested was supposed to be sent to his Bonapartist father, Monsieur Noirtier, with whom Villefort had broken ties with and could’ve got in trouble. He promises Dantes to set him free the next day from prison, but the truth is something else. 7.
Edmond Dantes eventually escapes prison but rapidly realizes the prison of secrecy he places upon himself. Edmond cannot reveal his identity when he leaves and therefore he is forced to become someone new with all the knowledge of his past self. This burden morphs into the remoteness he had felt inside his cell slowly eating at him. When he first returns to the land where he had once resided he is described
The vivid description of Villefort's reaction to the corpses gives the reader a chance to see another side of Villefort, where he can feel remorse and how such a situation can make a seemingly unmovable person go mad in an instant. Imagery allows for Villevort's downfall to be vividly imagined and paints a picture of Villevort's intense feelings of sorrow. Since Dantes imprisonment, the novel’s diction has illustrated a man losing his humanity, yet after Edouard’s death, the diction shifts to show Dantes regret for his previous carelessness of human lives. Although the Count of Monte Cristo fulfilled his revenge on Villefort, he began “doubting for the first time” (Dumas 487) that he had fulfilled a right, even stating at the end of the chapter “God grant that I haven't done too much already” (Dumas 486). The Count singularly focused on his revenge plot, ignoring the innocent victims tied to the perpetrators' lives, resulting in the death of a child.
Every pearl begins as a dangerous and harsh intrusion into life. A piece of dirt is inserted into an oyster’s environment where it doesn’t belong. The oyster can either respond by dying, or by accepting and surrounding the sand with care. With continual care, the oyster turns the small speck of dirt into a beautiful pearl. The Scarlet Letter is a story of how one woman takes a scandalous event and rather than allowing the event to define her, she, by constant kindness, turns her life and her child into something of worth. The theme I am focusing on in The Scarlet Letter is the person and the concept which embodies courage and redemption.
Edmond was wrongly accused of treason and sent to imprisonment for life. Edmond spends his next 14 years in the disconsolate Chateau d’lf, a prison sitting on an island at which no prisoner has ever escaped. As Edmond has lost all hope and “... God has faded from (his) heart,” he meets a priest, an old man who was sent to Chateau d’lf 11 years before Edmond. The priest is a very knowledgeable man with great persistence and belief in god. Continuously throughout the movie, the priest helps Edmond keep his belief in God and reminds him of why he is trying to escape similar to when King Melchizedek in The Alchemist was reminding Santiago that, “It's your mission on earth." Both of these men required a guardian and another person pushing them on and guiding them in their
Monsieur Villefort is too late upon arriving at home to stop his wife from killing not only herself, but also their young son Edouard. The Villefort family is the last family that will suffer from suicide at the hand of the
Young Edmond Dantes was very naïve and innocent. When talking with Monsieur Morrell about going to the Isle of Elba, delivering a package and taking a letter from there, he says “How could it get me into trouble? I do not even know what was in
He makes trip to the Isle of Elba to fulfill the late Captain Leclere’s final wish to deliver a package to an exiled grand-marshal and receives a letter in return addressed to Monsieur Noirtier. When the Pharaon docks, Dantes visits his father and his fiancé, however, his “friends”, Danglars and Fernand turn him in for treason. Danglars was jealous of the promotion that Dantes was about to get, and Fernand was jealous of the love Mercedes had for Dantes. The deputy prosecutor, Monsieur de Villefort, son of Noirtier, burns the letter and tricks Dantes into believing it was to benefit him.
Victor is engaged to a woman named Elizabeth, who he plans to marry after his scientific endeavors hopefully make him a distinguished, groundbreaking scientist. Dante, like Victor, has a woman in his life that he plans to be with at the end of his journey, but in order to see her he must first go through Hell to see the consequences of his actions as a sinner. Victor has sinned just like Dante; he committed fraudulence, violence, and incontinence on the behalf of his wretched
“I had got a heavenly mission to civilize you.” The novel Heart of Darkness contains many aspects of imperialism as this quotes shows. Kurts creates a painting of a woman that has distinguishing features. These features symbolises imperialism towards the Heart of Darkness.
It is no longer accurate to say, “China is quickly emerging as a global superpower.” The fact is that China is already a global superpower. Realizing this the United States of America has attempted to once again turn its focus eastward. However, continuing problems at home and in the Middle East have made doing so difficult. More and more frequently attempts at influencing the ongoing narrative in the Asia- Pacific region have been rebuffed. Even allies have found strength in the emergence of a system that fails to conform to previously prescribed methods and ideals. This leads to a fundamental question America must answer quickly: Has the growing hypocrisy of idealistic political rhetoric versus actual foreign policy finally undermined American credibility with developing nations, or for the purposes of this paper more specifically China? The answer is yes.