While California is known for its beautiful weather and Silicon Valley culture, it is also known for the high levels of gang violence endemic in the state’s inner cities. Read on to learn which cities in California are the safest and suffer from the least violent crime.
California has long been viewed as the land of opportunity, beautiful weather, and even more beautiful people. However, regular news viewers also know that California has a long history of gang warfare and drug-related violence in the inner cities, a culture which make some California cities like Stockton, Oakland, and Richmond some of the most dangerous areas in the nation, with murder and violent crime rates that rival major cities in the third world.
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Each city included in the list had a violent crime rate below 1 crime per 1,000 people and 20 out of 25 cities on this list had zero murders in 2015.
All data from the is article was gathered from the 2015 FBI Crime Report statistics, excluding cites with less than 10,000 residents. All violent crime data was then calculated per thousand residents. Each city description includes the violent crime rate per thousand residents, the city’s overall population, number of murders, number of total violent crime, and rank on the 2014 FBI Crime Report list.
List of California’s Safest
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Violent Crime Rate: .58
Population: 31,239
Murders: 1
Total Violent Crime: 18
2014 Rank: 13th
16. Lincoln
Violent Crime Rate: .6
Population: 46,663
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 28
2014 Rank: 19th
17. Foster City
Violent Crime Rate: .6
Population: 33,313
Murders: 1
Total Violent Crime: 20
2014 Rank: 28th
18. Calabasas
Violent Crime Rate: .61
Population: 24,505
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 15
2014 Rank: 25th
19. Canyon Lake
Violent Crime Rate: .63
Population: 11,112
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 7
2014 Rank: 36th
20. Murrieta
Violent Crime Rate: .63
Population: 109,495
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 69
2014 Rank: 46th
21. Aliso Viejo
Violent Crime Rate: .63
Population: 50,751
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 32
2014 Rank: 3rd
22. Eastvale
Violent Crime Rate: .69
Population: 57,808
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 40
2014 Rank: Unranked
23. Agoura Hills
Violent Crime Rate: .72
Population: 20,970
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 15
2014 Rank: 30th
24. Laguna Niguel
Violent Crime Rate: .74
Population: 66.035
Murders: 2
Total Violent Crime: 49
2014 Rank: 11th
25. Carpinteria
Violent Crime Rate: .8
Population: 13,829
Murders: 0
Total Violent Crime: 11
2014 Rank:
Some other causes for a spike in crime rates include bars. In the article written by Kathryn Stewart called “How Alcohol Outlets Affect Neighborhood Violence”, she talks about the information that she has gathered about the relationship between outlet density and alcohol violence. In one of the many findings that she has come up with, she says “In a study of 74 cities in Los Angeles County, California, a higher density of alcohol outlets was associated with more violence, even when levels of unemployment, age, ethnic and racial characteristics and other community characteristics were taken into account” (Stewart 2). She explains how areas within heavily populated cities with a numerous amount of liquor stores and bars are linked to the dangerously high crime rates. The underlying factors, like unemployment, that Stewart mentions, all play a part in why people are so drawn to these specific spots. When there are liquor stores in these areas, they do indeed attract people based on age and
Valcoast District. One of the most known districts in America. Located in California, it was mostly known for the crime rates, which were the highest in America. In fact, if you took the crime rates from every other place in America and combined them Valcoast District would be higher still. The worst thing about Valcoast District was that the majority of people got sucked into crime one way or another. Either being a victim of a crime or the one causing it, you got involved somehow.
Crime Rate: he crime rate is moderate to high across the city, with theft being the most common offenses.
“Crime rates in San Diego are below that of the national level. Crimes, including murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries all seem to “bell curve” between 1999 and 2011 per the City Data website, most peaking between 2003 and 2006. Most events are on the decline since 2006. The over all
Urban crime is represented, as a key element in the movie, “Mystic River”. It is also very typical for American cities to have higher crime rates than that of rural or suburban areas. Different areas have different cultures and ways of living that directly affect how people mature; in cities distinct cultures exist and segregation based on where people live (or their religion/ethnicity) is quite common. Many people end up living where they grew up which allows corruption to be passed down through the generations. There are a lot of politics and secrets that
In the state of California, according to the CAL. PEN. CODE § 187, there are three types of murders that involve having an intention to kill. They are as listed: premeditated murder, second-degree murder malice aforethought, and murder as a result of provocation. Murder as a result of provocation is one who states a mental incapacity for either the time being, such as; blacking out, or they had temporary loss of control of oneself and could not control it. This is only seen though through murder cases for it to end up being a lesser charge. Second-degree murder malice aforethought is a non-premeditated killing of a victim who cannot be fully proven there was the full reasoning of the death. This is also known as having some sort of intent or recklessness.(Cal. Penal Code § 187 [West 1996]). Premeditated murder is someone who sat down and thought the murder through and went along with it, also known as first-degree murder. So with all that being said, in the scenario about a victim of a DUI accident who had religious beliefs about blood transfusion died from bleeding out too much in California. The drunken driver was on probation for a previous DUI he has received, and because of him driving drunk, caused him to be impaired which caused him to crash into a parked car. Where then the victim was trapped and started to bleed out. When they approached the hospital, the victim made it clear that she is against blood transfusions due to her religious beliefs, so the doctors than
In conclusion, in comparing both these big cities Cincinnati is showing an increase in the number of burglaries and almost every other crime as for Dallas, the crime rate there is down 6.4 percent. With the population in Dallas being 1,197,816 and Cincinnati’s population being 296,943 people would think that Dallas would be a city full of crime but Cincinnati is far worse. According to NeighborhoodScout . com, on a scale of 100 to 1(100 is the safest) Cincinnati rates just a two. This scale shows that Cincinnati is just safer then two percent of the cities in the United States of America. There are many factors that could explain why Cincinnati has one of the fasting growing crime rates in the nation. One could be the economy where there is nine percent unemployment in the city alone. Another factor could be the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. Looking at the Dallas, Texas crime rates, it rates a six in the crime index ( This means that Dallas, Texas is safer than six percent of the
The Central Valley of California dominates in the field of agriculture by being the most productive in the world. The valley has also been in the news for being highly involved in crime and violence, which shows a negative side of such prosperous region. There are various factors that contribute to central valley not considered the safest place to live.
Does the sound of the city ring a bell as a place filled with violence and gruesome stories? That’s what I have always noticed with the reports involving the city of Oakland. To news media everything has to have just the right amount of darkness to it in order for that news channel to have a good amount of viewers. Like it or not we all have that little dark side within us that is more curious and interested to see something terrible happen in news reports; because for some reason it’s entertaining to us. During my critical thinking class with my professor Larry Salomon, I learned that this is why most news channels like to show gruesome and tragic stories more often, because we as human beings find some sort of interest and satisfaction hearing about these stories; and this makes work for news channels more easier to gain more viewers. Some people are more eager to learn about a tragic story unlike the other reports that have a more hopeful and cheerful description. How is this linked to violence in Oakland? News reporters know that Oakland is the place to go when you need a story that will help you get viewers. I have talked to some residents in my community of Oakland and they stated that they were tired of being the notebook of bad stories to be told on live television; the only reason why violence seems to continue in this community is because reporters always point the finger at the city as being a place filled with
The FBI reports there were almost 1.2 million violent crimes in 2015, with non-negligent manslaughter and murder increasing by approximately 11 percent, according to their estimates. Rape increased by 6.3 percent, with aggravated assaults occurring 4.6 percent more often. Robberies also increased, yet larceny-thefts and burglaries decreased. The report issued by the agency also stated roughly 10.8 million arrests were made during the calendar
As we all know, Camden today is plagued by many problems including gun violence, poverty, robberies, and other crimes such as arsons, assaults, rapes, homicides, and auto thefts. Statics show and prove that Camden New Jersey is one of the top most dangerous places to live in the United States in the world today. You 're probably thinking to yourself of how many annual crimes there is a year in the city of Camden. Camden has a total of 4,431 crimes per year, which is a humongous about. With having a crime rate of 87 per one
New York City ranks as the nation's safest big city. Violent crime has come down by 40% in the previous decade.
This year, there have been 27 homicides in Wilmington, tying its record 27 murders in 2010, and 135 people have been shot. Twenty-two of them died. With a population of just over 71,000, Wilmington had a violent- crime rate of 1,625 per 100,000 people last year, according to the FBI’s 2013 Uniform Crime Report (that crime rate measures murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault). The national average was 368 per 100,000 people. Wilmington ranks third for violence among to a Wilmington News Journal Report. For a city mired in violence, the most stunning fact of all may be that Wilmington just got its first homicide unit.
Video Three- Camden is the one the most pooriest and dangerous city in the nation. Camden is a city of 77,000 a place most people try to stay away from. The community lacks a strong police forces. One year there was a shooting every 33 hours. This one of the most highest rate in the
“With no police force in California’s cities, criminals from all over flocked to San Francisco.” (Saffer,1) This meant that the criminals could commit their crimes with little fear of punishment. The criminals felt as if they could steal someone’s belongings, and not get caught then they would be fine. So, that’s why many people went over there. The San Francisco Gang was a group from New York. They always took gold, money, food, etc. But, after awhile another group of people from San Francisco put them on trial, they were then put in prison for 10 years. However, there wasn’t any prisons they could stay in so, they just frightened the gang and they never committed a crime from then on. Along with the San Francisco Gang, another gang came and started causing more trouble again. That gang repeatedly stole from stores, and homes taking everything they could. Until a group of 180 men called “Committee of Violence” they captured and hung some of the members of the gang, and threatened all the others. It must have been horrible without safety from criminals but as more cities grew, more prisons were