Why are people cruel to each other? Is it due to the environment one grows up in or the way someone was raised. There are many factors that lead to humans becoming cruel to others. In both Lord of the Flies and other articles, the reasons people are cruel to one another is due to the morals and ethics and the government system they are raised in. In Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, Golding illustrates how the difference in ethics and morals combined and the of governmental structures the boys have can lead to conflict, which eventually leads to violence within society. Due to the differences in Ralph’s and Jack’s morals, it leads to violence against them. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph thinks about the other boys more than himself wanting …show more content…
With a weak government or set of rules, this can lead to people breaking the rules without knowing it. In Lord of the Flies, the boys begin becoming distance from the rule on the island due to not having enough consequences. While trying to get back Piggy’s glasses, Ralph carries the conch with him to remind the others of the rules that was set while he was the leader. Upon entering the cave, Ralph starts arguing with Jack saying he’s a “thief” which leads Jack to “[swing] at Ralph with his spear” (177). Once Ralph told Jack that he broke a rule, made Jack angry enough to stab Ralph. When not having enough rules set or consequences set, one can do something that they do not know is wrong and can cause them to be violent to others when accused of it. In an article “Fascism: A Political Ideology of the Past,” by Katharine A. Mackel, Mackel describes fascism as “superiority of the nation” and “to achieve national superiority” (Mackel). Mackel states that in Hitler’s government, he had to “conform citizen” in any way to “pursue national greatness” (Mackel). In this government, the government can turn to violence to achieve a structured environment. Furthermore, showing how in this type of government, someone can go to extreme length to achieve it in any way such as using fear and violence. Which is why the type of government one sets up can dictate how people acts when upholding its
Civilization was created to contain social structure. However, in utmost circumstances, it is possible for instinct to triumph over civility. Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a plane evacuating a group of British schoolboys that crashes over a tropical deserted island. Once they crash on the island, they pick Ralph, the protagonist of the novel, to be their leader, and Ralph chooses Jack, the antagonist of the novel, to be the leader of the hunters, establishing somewhat of a civilization. Then when Jack comes upon a mother boar and kills it, that’s when their makeshift civilization slowly diminishes and the boys become savages. In addition, loss of social structure within a society can lead to the absolute destruction of the civilization. The author of Lord of the Flies, William Golding, uses man vs man and man vs nature conflicts to develop the theme of loss of social structure leads to savagery. Golding reveals this theme by exploring the conflicts of
In the novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, Golding uses the theme of violence surfacing throughout the text. One reason for this was, Golding believed that every individual has the potential for evil and that the flawed human nature is seen in ‘mankind’s essential sickness’. His belief in this arrived through his time spent in war, so his aim was to challenge Ballantyne’s novel ‘Coral Island’, and in which Golding’s book the truth would be shown about his own thoughts of the darkness of mankind. As the theme of violence is in the heart of the novel, another reason of this is due to the quick breakdown of civilisation on the island. Through the breakdown, an ideal situation of
(Violence) "Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering.” (Golding 114-115)
In Lord of the Flies Golding expresses the opinion that all humans are capable of savagery and brutality , no matter where they came from or who they are. In the novel, the stranded boys begin the book by establishing a society similar to the one they left behind in England, but soon their society breaks apart into rival groups ruled by lead by Ralph and Jack. We soon find that the boys (and through their example all human beings) have an inherent capacity for violence and brutality no matter no matter their background or place of origin. The boys behaved according to the norms of their society when they first arrived on the island, but without the restraining hand of adults soon begin to reveal their basic natures. These different traits are revealed in each character: Ralph represents order and goodness.
In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, a group of young British boys fight for their survival after a plane crash. The longer the boys are stranded on the island, the more of their humanity they lose. They decide to split into two seperate groups, not help each other, and instead fight it out. The boys began to become more self centered and only worried about their own survival. The more self centered the boys become, the more savage they become. Golding’s diction shows that when war breaks out and humans become careless, the destruction of rules leads to the destruction of humanity.
Moreover, Jack shows that he will do anything to keep his powers intact and prove that he is a hunter thus, killing the beast to show his strength. Furthermore, violence has been exposed in the novel regarding the savage actions conveyed by the children on the island due to, the exposure of violence. While the leader Jack and Ralph were fighting between civilization and savagery, Roger pushed a boulder down upon Ralph and Piggy. Ralph escapes as he hears the boulder coming down, however since Piggy does not have his glasses, “the rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into thousand white fragments” (Golding, 200). This demonstrates the barbarian actions in Roger as he likes torturing people hence, wanting to
Does violence create power or control? In Lord of the Flies, Jack creates a powerful status among the stranded boys. He uses fear and desires to luer in the rest of the island boys to join his tribe. He projects fear into little kids and older kids by talking about the beast and saying that is danger, and that it is always out there, somewhere on the island.
William Golding explores the theme of violence throughout his novel ‘Lord of the Flies’. He believed that every individual has the potential to bring out their inner evil, and that every human being is flawed in their nature. Hence, he wrote a novel with
In the novel, Lord of the Flies, the two main protagonist and antagonist have major differences. Although, it is surprising to see they have similarities. Ralph and Jack are similar based on leadership, inherent violence and power. In the beginning, their relationship began when Ralph called all the boys for a meeting to decide who would be chief. Automatically, Jack nominated himself and insists he should be chief, “‘I ought to be chief,’ said Jack with simple arrogance, ‘because I’m chapter chorister and head boy.’‘I can sing C-sharp’” (Golding 22). Then all the boys nominated Ralph, “Him with the shell” (Golding 22). It can be observed the leadership qualities both characters have and how they are similar. Something else that makes the
Is cruelty made within the human spirit? Or is it an influence from another individual? In the novel, Lord of the Flies, the author William Golding exhibits loss of innocence, social criticism, and the main theme: cruelty. Golding tells a story about a group of british boys who get stranded on an island without parental supervision. The boys struggle learning to survive within the influence of both cruelty and civilization. The obsession over both power and authority leads to the act of cruelty. Jack’s obsession over power influences the boys to become more violent, loosening them from the grasps of order and law. This method used by Golding helps illustrate the theme: an abuse of power exhibits terrible leadership and cruelty.
How is violence inherent in human nature? One of the key themes of William Golding's Lord of the Flies is the intrinsic capacity for violence in human beings. Despite several attempts to maintain a kind of liveable social order, violence that is always hovering at the margins of the narrative eventually breaks through and consumes the thin civilization Ralph and Piggy have created by the use of the conch as a conduit for power and legitimacy. It is important to examine several aspects of this interaction and identify the ways in which the philosophy of violence is understood and represented by Golding in the book. Though the book is informed by violence, violence is, at first, essentially practical in nature; it is either used for the purpose
The compulsion towards savagery is difficult to resist while the idea of being civil and or creating and maintaining a civilization is just as difficult to live by. In William Golding’s allegory, Lord of the Flies, a group of British boys are deserted on an island when a plane carrying the boys crashes on an island. There are no adults on the island but all the boys are scattered all over the island. Ralph, the protagonist strives to create a civilization whereas Jack, the antagonist goes against the idea of a civilization and turns towards savagery as a technique to survive. The constant competition between the idea of being civil and the compulsion towards savagery is displayed throughout the story. The first instance where the competition
In William Golding’s famous novel, Lord of the Flies two competing impulses, civility and savagery are shown to exist in all human beings. The main theme of the novel depicts the problems that society has to maintain a structured government within all human beings. These events show that children are not innocent as they are savage by nature. Without adult guidance, the entire spectrum of this dark side inherent in them would be manifested in full force. In the novel, Lord of the Flies Ralph’s inability to sustain civility within the boys is lost, therefore he continues to fight against the elements of the island so that Jack’s savagery does not interfere with his motives.
Firstly, humans devolve into violence because of all the surroundings they had around them. Humans adapt to their environment and surroundings around them. “In portraying the various ways in which the boys on the island adapt to their new surroundings and react to their new freedom, Golding explores the broad spectrum of ways in which humans respond to stress, change, and tension.” In this quote of William Golding the author of Lord of the Flies has made a book that is relevant to the prompt. This book is about boys on an island trying to survive and hunt a beast, literally. In deep thoughts it is about characters that are emotions in one’s
In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Ralph and Jack start out as a pair of similar boys that develop into polar opposites. Lord of the flies starts out with a group of innocent British school boys, who become stranded on an island without adult supervision due to a plane crash. The boys elect Ralph as their chief, and he stresses the importance of being rescued while at the same time having fun. Later in the story the boys later Ralph as they transition into savagery and give their allegiance to Jack. The group's behavioral transition becomes deadly for Piggy and Simon who stay loyal to Ralph, as they are killed by the group. The novel ends with the boys being rescued, just as they are about to kill Ralph. Golding teaches a valuable