
Violence In Lord Of The Flies

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Why are people cruel to each other? Is it due to the environment one grows up in or the way someone was raised. There are many factors that lead to humans becoming cruel to others. In both Lord of the Flies and other articles, the reasons people are cruel to one another is due to the morals and ethics and the government system they are raised in. In Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, Golding illustrates how the difference in ethics and morals combined and the of governmental structures the boys have can lead to conflict, which eventually leads to violence within society. Due to the differences in Ralph’s and Jack’s morals, it leads to violence against them. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph thinks about the other boys more than himself wanting …show more content…

With a weak government or set of rules, this can lead to people breaking the rules without knowing it. In Lord of the Flies, the boys begin becoming distance from the rule on the island due to not having enough consequences. While trying to get back Piggy’s glasses, Ralph carries the conch with him to remind the others of the rules that was set while he was the leader. Upon entering the cave, Ralph starts arguing with Jack saying he’s a “thief” which leads Jack to “[swing] at Ralph with his spear” (177). Once Ralph told Jack that he broke a rule, made Jack angry enough to stab Ralph. When not having enough rules set or consequences set, one can do something that they do not know is wrong and can cause them to be violent to others when accused of it. In an article “Fascism: A Political Ideology of the Past,” by Katharine A. Mackel, Mackel describes fascism as “superiority of the nation” and “to achieve national superiority” (Mackel). Mackel states that in Hitler’s government, he had to “conform citizen” in any way to “pursue national greatness” (Mackel). In this government, the government can turn to violence to achieve a structured environment. Furthermore, showing how in this type of government, someone can go to extreme length to achieve it in any way such as using fear and violence. Which is why the type of government one sets up can dictate how people acts when upholding its

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