
Violence and America's Troubled Youth Essays

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Video games have come a long way since the days of Pong. Advances in technology have allowed games to present state of the art graphics and surreal like qualities to its consumers; from four star simulated battle scenes to enhanced real live fire shoot outs. With all these innovations added to violent video games it attracted the visual needs of our teenage youth. Although video game violence has been blamed for high profile school shootings, video games and its creators should not be held accountable for these tragedies because there is not enough credible evidence to absolutely link video games to outburst of violence amongst juveniles.
Video games have made a killing in the world of entertainment, it is a multibillion dollar industry. …show more content…

This could be opening the doors to a plethora of other cases and assumptions that can lead to our youth potentially becoming killers. Research was conducted on the exposure of television violence and its effects on kids, organizations like the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association and the Academy of Pediatrics have concluded that there is a cause and effect relationship amongst those exposed. However, such studies does not demonstrate that media violence causes aggressive behavior, only that the two phenomena exist together (207). This finding was used to make the assumption that it would likely be the case with video games.
Other factors that seem to be heavily weighted but are dismissed when figuring out the motive and psyche of these individuals committing these acts are the shooter’s social rejection, feelings of alienation at school, and depression, all were treated mostly as minor factors compared to video games (206). Bullying and mental illnesses should be factored into this equation as well. There has been numerous cases on the psychological effects that bullying has on a person, most perpetrators were in fact victimized in school prior to the acts of violence. It’s no surprise that the shooters identified were teens since these seem to be the most trying times for adolescents dealing with high school and

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