
Violent Video Games Sociology

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For many years, scientists in the sociology field have studied and debated on the effect violent media (such as video games) and its connection to aggressive behavior in children and youth. The research that was previously done is mostly focused on the amount of time played on the game along with children’s and youth’s perception of what is real and prosocial behaviors. Analyzing content of video games proved that about eighty-nine percent of games have some type of violent content, as to where about fifty percent of games have serious violent behaviors toward other characters in the game (Carnagey and Anderson 2004). While doing my research, I found that scientists seem to mainly focus on these two factors the most as to what is causing the …show more content…

Violent games can increase aggression and decrease the prosocial behaviors in children and youth, and prosocial games do the complete opposite (Greitemeyer and Mugge 2014). Gentile et al focused on the probable effects of games that use prosocial behaviors. Games that demonstrate characters helping and supporting one another in ways that are nonviolent, these actions should increase this particular behavior both long-term and short-term. Three different studies were held all in different countries along with different age groups were used to test out the hypothesis. The ending results were that in a correlational study, junior high students in Singapore who played prosocial games had increased prosocial behaviors. The two longitudinal samples of children and youth in Japan showed increased prosocial behavior as well when playing prosocial games. Lastly in the experimental study held in the U.S. college undergrads, chosen at random, were instructed to play prosocial games exerted prosocial behaviors. The similar results through all the different factors and methods provided support for the General Learning Model (Gentile et al

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