
Virtue Of Truth In Volume 1: Beginnings Through The Renaissance

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The pursuit of truth; but to what extent? How is man to pursue worldly truths when one is to look to our Gods? Socrates believed that man was to look to himself to discover one’s own truth, “Virtue is Knowledge.” But, how do you know it’s the truth? Socrates planted seeds of deceit in Greeks minds all through Athens. One is to look to the Gods and they have the knowledge to control everything; not man. As stated in Volume 1: Beginnings Through the Renaissance, Socrates began to point out the proper path to wisdom, by bombarding inquiring youths with such questions on topics such as, the meaning of justice. Rigorous logic was implemented to confuse the youth of Athens. No answers were given, causing the students to collapse into confusion. …show more content…

With many of the Athena people believing in one’s self and overlooking the Gods; ultimately led to defeat by Sparta. Perhaps following Greek traditions should have been taken more seriously. Trusting in the Gods was what the people believed in. How could they then turn against those beliefs and look at ones personal struggle for self-enlightenment. The downfall was that one needed to beware of their own personal ignorance, but how can one know of their ignorance, according to Beginnings Through the Renaissance. In Beginnings Through the Renaissance, the people of Athens began to turn away from Socrates’ beliefs, stating blasphemy in his words. Socrates was accused of impiety and corruption of Athenian youth. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. Perhaps looking to the Gods for leadership and truth wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Socrates' teachings led to a negative outcome, as stated in Socratic Dialect. The idea was to pick apart a belief and to discover the truth. What happens when the belief fails against ones questioning? Does that mean that the belief is wrong and must be rejected? What happens if the belief survives questioning, does that mean we should accept it? How does one know the true truth? This would lead to the questioning of everything and more rounds of questions that may be its

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