
Viruses Are Parasites Using Its Host 's Cells

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Viruses are parasites using its host 's cells to replicate its own genome (Freeman, 2011). Viruses have either a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) genome that affects its specific named genome. Types of RNA viruses include positive strand, negative strand, double strand and RNA transcriptase. RNA viruses have evolved into effective pathogens that mutate at high rates. This allows them an advantage over their host to effectively evade the immune system through several mechanisms, such as mimicry, avoiding cell lysis, and phagocytosis. Their ability to bypass a cell 's normal process of proof-reading and error correction is what makes RNA viruses such effective pathogens. Almost all RNA viruses are termed emerging infectious diseases because they are already known, but are increasing rapidly in new areas. There are a few emerging infectious RNA viruses that have reappeared into the population and have the potential to cause an epidemic.
Ebola hemorrhagic disease, rabies, influenza and HIV are examples of RNA viruses and a few of these viruses have yet to be thoroughly researched. An example of an RNA virus that mutates and evolves at a high rate is the influenza virus. The influenza virus can mutate in two different ways; antigenic shift which is an abrupt change and by antigenic drift which is a smaller, more gradual change that occurs through point mutations (Uyeki 2014). These changes are what help the virus to evade the host 's immune system. Another

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