Viscosity Science Lab
To determine of changing the viscosity will affect the time it takes for a marble to flow through a liquid.
Hypothesis: If a marble is dropped into dish soap and corn syrup, than I predict that the marble in the dish soap will travel faster than the marble in the corn syrup because I know that the viscosity of the corn syrup is thicker than then the viscosity of the dish soap. Also, the particles in the corn syrup are more compact than those in the dish soap. This makes the marble sink faster in the dish soap than the corn syrup.
Apparatus: * 2 identical marbles * 250 Graduated Cylinders of 250mL * 250mL of dish soap * 250mL of corn syrup * 1 timer/stopwatch
Procedure: 1.
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It is very difficult for large particles to move past each other unlike small, tiny particles, like those in the dish soap. The particles in the dish soap are very small and can move more freely and quickly. In the dish soap, the particles are very small and can move past each other easily when compared to the particles in the corn syrup. Another reason also contributed to the result of this experiment. Attraction. Some types of particles tend to attract more than others and that is exactly what happened in the corn syrup. The particles in the corn syrup attracted more than the dish soap. The large particles in the corn syrup held tightly to each other, that when the marble fell in that it made it hard for the marble to pass through more than one particle at a time. IN the dish soap, the particles did not attract as much as the corn syrup which let the marble move easily and quickly through the liquid. The strength of attraction as well as the particle size is important in determining a fluid’s viscosity.
This viscosity experiment can be used in real-life when making sun-tan lotion as well as other cosmetic products. It is important for the lotion to be viscous because the lotion could not be applied and spread around the body if the cream was not viscous enough to suit its use. It would drip all over you! It wouldn’t dry or stay in one place. Many well-known businesses hire highly educated scientists to calculate the right viscosity level and if it is
1. Fischer studied if Daphnia magna had a positive or a negative phototactic response when expose to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). 2a. In this experiment the author manipulated the amount of UVR that the Daphnia were exposed to throughout the experiment. 2b.
However, there are some other factors that affect the fall rate of the marble, including; size and the shape of the marble. Therefore, the marble undergoes drag force and the effect of gravity, which all accounts for hydrodynamic forces. Hydrodynamic forces are the forces which slow the snow as it moves through liquids. In this experiment, turbulent flow can affect the snow’s timing to reach the base of the breaker in water as the flow of the fluid is
Using 3 different substances, water, soap water, and vegetable oil, using a dropper and dropping amounts of each liquid onto a penny, which one will have the most drops and which will spill over first?
10. I then repeated steps 1-9 using alcohol as my solvent, instead of the 1% salt solution.
E. What would happen if you dropped the object into the beaker while using the Archimedes’ Principle method instead of submerging the object?
The purpose of this experiment was to see if a penny could hold more drops of salt water or tap water. It was found that a penny could hold an average of 22.3 drops of tap water and only 20.8 drops of salt water. These results are consistent with the hypothesis: If the salt concentration of water impacts the amount of water a penny holds, then the penny will hold less drops with salt water. While dropping the water onto the penny, it was observed that the water formed into a dome-like shape on the penny. It looked like the individual drops of water turned into one large drop of water. This was observed for both the tap and salt water. This happened due to the cohesion and surface tension of water. Cohesion simply means that water molecules are attracted to each other and want to cling together. Surface tension is the special term that is applied to the cohesion of water molecules.
The only thing that will dissolve in oil is oil and corn syrup.Corn syrup and oil have the same density.
The Diffusion and Osmosis Lab determines the molarities of various sucrose solutions based on change in mass. Using table sugar in different amount of molar concentration 0.0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M and 1.0M. The molarity of the solution of the sucrose solution in the dialysis tubing determines the amount of water that either move into the bag or out the bag, which also means its mass changed.
More specifically for the experiment we will need four deshelled eggs, four beakers and distilled water with a certain percentage of sucrose, a timer, and a scale to weigh the eggs. Using the process of osmosis, we will determine the weight of the eggs after being soaked in the solution. The four beakers each had distilled water in them with sucrose but all contained different amounts. One beaker contained 0% sucrose. The other beakers contained 10%, 40%, and an “unknown” amount of sucrose. Before placing the eggs into the solution, we are to weigh each egg separately to the nearest 0.1g and record this in table. Once that step has been completed, we then place one egg in each of the beakers separately that was marked with the amounts of sucrose. At fifteen-minute intervals, remove the deshelled egg from the water inside the beaker and wipe off all the excess water. After that process has been completed, we will weigh each egg separately to see if they have gained or lost their mass/weight. Once each egg has been weighed accurately, the recorded data is placed in the table provided. This step goes on for an hour. The deshelled eggs in this experiment will increase in mass in the different types of distilled water. This lab session provided the class with the evidence that diffusion and osmosis occurs within the different types of solutions.
By definition, osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane in response to gradients of concentration, pressure, or temperature (G. Audesirk, T. Audesirk, B. Byers). Diffusion is the passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient, or from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration (Diffusion). In the experiment, osmosis and diffusion occurred where the results indicated a change in mass when the egg was placed in different concentrations of corn syrup solution. My hypothesis stated that if the concentration of the solute is lower than the solvent, then the egg will shrink in size. With a majority of the results decreasing in weight, my hypothesis was proven to be correct.
Osmosis is a special type of diffusion where water molecules move down a concentration gradient across a cell membrane. The solute (dissolved substance) concentration affects the rate of osmosis causing it either to speed the process up or slow it down. Based on this, how does different concentrations of sucrose affect the rate of osmosis? If sucrose concentration increases in the selectivity-permeable baggies, then the rate of osmosis will increase.
The following hypothesis was made in regard to effect of the concentration gradient on the rate of diffusion: The higher the concentration gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion.
Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of particles from where they are more concentrated to where they are less concentrated. For this experiment, a 14 cm glass was filled with cold tap water. A drop of red food coloring was dropped in the cup. A stopwatch was used to measure the time it took for the food coloring to get to the bottom of the cup. The average diffusion rate was .78 cm a second. If a different color was used, I do not think it would have made a difference in the results. The mood of the person experimenting could possibly alter the results. For example, if a person is under stress, they may accidentally squeeze too much altering the rate of diffusion. If the water was warmer, this may have sped the
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to familiarize you with osmosis and, specifically, what happens to cells when they are exposed to solutions of differing tonicities.
Most of the results of the experiment show that as the molarity of sucrose in the solution increases, the percent change in mass of the potato decreases. This is due to osmosis, water moves from a higher water concentration area to a lower water concentration area. From the results table, one can see that the mass of potato in the 0.1M sucrose solution increased by 13%, and the mass decreased by 28% in the 1.0M sucrose solution.