
Vision Statement : Ford Motor Company's Mission Statement

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Corporation Vision, Mission, and Primary Stakeholder A mission statement addresses the actions that are needed to meet the organizational objectives of a business goal (Thompson, 2015). Ford Motor Company’s current mission statement is about the response to current challenges that company has experienced in dealing with new market risks, such as the American recession and the global financial crisis that started in the late 2000’s (Thompson, 2015a). Ford’s mission statement is “One Team, One Plan, One Goal (Thompson, 2015a). The company’s mission statement emphasizes teamwork to achieve synergy at Ford (Thompson, 2015a). It is important for Ford to unify all of their organizational stakeholders into one cohesive unit. Ford’s vision statement is “people working together as a lean, global enterprise for automotive leadership” (Thompson, 2015a). The vision statement emphasizes the company’s global leadership, which is how the firm wants to be recognized as one of the top contenders in the international automotive market (Thompson, 2015a). A company’s mission statement specifies how the firm intends to compete and serve their customers (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2013, p.18). The vision and mission provide the foundation for an organization’s strategies (Hitt et al., 2013, p. 18). The company’s objectives should be inspiring and relevant to all their stakeholders (p.18). Ford’s vision statement addresses the concerns of their stakeholders and their ability to enhance the firm’s

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