In the first journal entry it was revealed that I am a visual learner, thus in order to further improve the quality of my learning abilities new strategies have been established. As a result, I include illustrations in some of my notes, pay attention to body language, utilize flashcards while reviewing information and make sure to study where there are no distractions. It is for this reason that I have been able to understand most of the lectures and recitation packets without any issues. However, there is still room for improvement, as I still require a visual aid in order to fully understand a concept, thus I plan on paying special attention to graphs, charts, and diagrams during class. In addition to this, over the years I have learned that
Ashley, I am A visual learner who strengths are memorizing information from my INFT124 course and it allows me to quickly remember simple and complex facts that relate to my course assignments. In addition to this, these activities also help me know what topics to research for my discussions with my classmates and it helps me understand how to complete my weekly assignments in an correct way. Finally, my visual learning style helps me learn how to write organized informative notes on important educational and business issues in this
Visual learners have two subchannels - linguistic and spatial. Learners who are visual-linguistic like to learn through written language, such as reading and writing tasks. They remember what has been written down, even if they do not read it more than once. They like to write down directions and pay better attention to lectures if they watch them. Learners who are visual-spatial usually have difficulty with written language and do better with charts, demonstrations, videos, and other visual materials. They easily visualize faces and places by using their imagination and seldom get lost in new surroundings. To integrate this style into the learning environment:
I have learned while in college that the best ways for me to learn are by being able to see or write down something because it is something that I can review and still be able to grasp the concept when it is needed for a test. This strategy was helpful when I was in my English and math class. The second thing that also helps is viewing models because there is something that is tangible which makes it so much easier for me to be able to learn this is the strategy that I used while in my biology. The help of peers has also helped me with my learning process as well because there is not as much pressure when going up and talking to the teacher about what is wrong.
Hi everyone! My name is Briana and I am an all around learner. I am mostly a Kinesthetic Learner, but also I can learn visually. I am also an auditory learner as long as what I am hearing interests me. Since I was younger, when I had to sit in class against my own will, I always learned better one on one or by doing things myself. If you show me once and let me do it my myself the next time I usually can get it down very quickly. I’ve never been good with lectures, the information hitting my face like water from a water hose is overwhelming and I usually never remember any of it. This always made me angry because that meant I always had to rewrite everything multiple times until it was tattooed in my brain.
During my time at Fullerton College, I have come to realize that every student has their own unique way to achieve their goals, whether it is to cram down tons of information before the day of the exam, highlight each section in their textbook, or receive support from the tutoring center. These tips are useful to most students, but for me I have come to learn that I have the capacity to learn two ways: reading the material until I have a eureka moment, or work the problem step by step until each component makes sense to me. Unfortunately, for me to have acquired this, I had to learn from trial and error, each course I would try something new and see if I could keep applying the same method for upcoming courses. Some would work, and others would
The learning style I identified with is read/write. I basically learn things better by reading and writing things down. As you read and write things down it makes it easier for me to remember things better. If I continuously re-read things, I would remember them for a long time. And if I re-write things I’d be ably to remember it for a long time as well. Because I remember better if I read I always keep a highlighter near by because if I highlight something I know it’ll be important and it will make it easier for studying for test. Not only that, because I use different colored highlighters it makes me remember things more also. Yes, I did know that this was my preferred learning style before completing this assessment because,
That being said, in order to achieve deep learning as opposed to surface-level retention, I will be mindful about which dimension I identify with more while in class. For instance, I remember a lot of the material I see, so flowcharts and other organizational drawings are helpful to cater towards that need. To appease the Sequential side of me, I often format my notes into an outline as visually it is more organized and helps me retain information better.
Visual learners obtain information best by observing pictures, charts, and diagrams. Oppositely, verbal learners tend to succeeded in learning environments where there is a lot of verbal and written information. In respect to the study informing me that I am a verbal learner is something that I agree with. In classes, charts and pictures don’t help me as much as reading the actual text that is required for the course.
I am more of a visual learner. With pictures I can analyze every single detail and with these details my memory does a better job a retaining information. When I learn only with lectures or "hands on work," I tend not to understand the concept that is being taught to me and or remember the concept as best as I could through visuals. While this is my preferred method to learn I have developed ways to cope with other methods of learning such as lecturing and hands on work. During lectures I doodle while I hear the speaker, that keeps me engaged in the lesson. When I am doing "hands on work," I stop every so often to make sure I understand what I am doing. In terms of my communication style I am very respectful of what other's opinions, while
I find that I learn best when something is delivered to me through a visual medium. If I were to simply look at lesson that is being presented to me and not interact with it. I will become bored and loose interest onto that subject. I must be involved with every step of that lesson so that I may learn properly. I honeslty would not have been so successful with my acddemic carrear if it were not for the efforts of my teachers to incoprate many of their lessons so that I may interact with it. I would have not made this far into
Visual aids such as maps, graph, pictures and colorful outline are the effective tools that can be used by teacher to accommodate students that are visual learners. Often, these students will find that confusing information makes more sense when it is explained with the aid of a chart or picture. These types of learners learn best with visual aid when studying, like a colorful outline of test materials, he or she may retain more information. For this type of learner, visual tools improve the ability to recall information more completely; these tools have a big impact to a visual learner. (G Fleming, 2013)
According to Felder, I am described as a moderate active (5), mild sensing (3), high visual (9), and low (1) global learner (Felder, R.M., and Soloman, B.A.). Active corresponds to hands-on, interactive learning, i.e. kinematic and labs. I found I best retain information after a Q&A group study session and Felder confirms it. Same with sensing: I need to know where I am going and then I learn the details. In fact, I can be anal when it comes to details and following protocol, which is an essential skill for engineers and scientists, or anybody trying to avoid mid-air collisions. As a visual learner, I need more than verbal input. Unfortunately, traditional schooling uses mainly verbal and logistical teaching methods, which leaves the non-traditional learning-styles student to struggle. Interestingly, my score
Multiple techniques have been documented, in addition to consumables, that give us a boost when it comes to the focus and concentration we need to learn and, more importantly, retain the information for future recall. By understanding
The first activity in this evaluation was the Learning Style Inventory. After completing this activity I was informed that I am a visual learner which I do consider to be true. Throughout my life I have always been the type of person that likes to be able to see what I am learning rather than just hearing the information. I love to take notes in my own handwriting because I feel that writing something down and seeing that information, helps me absorb what I am learning. When I take notes I also like to bullet, circle and star things that may be important. Since I am considered to be a visual learner, I also learn best by seeing what I need to do. For example, if there is something I need to
1. Describe what you did. This does not mean that you copy and paste from what you have posted or the assignments you have prepared. You need to describe what you did and how you did it.