
Vla Mobile Sticker Campaign

Decent Essays

The VLA mobile sticker campaign is a problem for many reasons. The first reason is that it manipulates its vast audience through negative, emotional appeals by sending a vivid message that affects them in a personal way– the well-being of their child could be at risk. The VLA’s mobile sticker arouses an emotional, and cognitive response out of parents by embedding the idea that vaccines are harmful for children and setting up an illusion that their healthcare providers have deceived them. The VLA appeals to many different emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, and distrust. When people are fearful, they are easily overwhelmed with feelings and tend to make irrational decisions. Anger is another powerful emotion that is used in persuasion. In the book, Techniques of Propaganda and Persuasion, author Magedah Shabo explains, “Anger often grows from feelings of fear and uncertainty. Anger is also a very common reaction to injustice, humiliation, or betrayal” (117). Following fear and anger is hatred and distrust, another powerful motivator in persuasion. When emotions such as fear and anger towards a specific target have been established, hatred and distrust develop and limit a person’s ability to reason with what is right versus wrong. Many parents with infants and children are vulnerable and quick to believe any propaganda they see regarding their child’s health. Falsely stating that, “The Greatest Lie Ever Told… That …show more content…

The mobile sticker falsely claims and generalizes that all vaccines are harmful and ineffective, yet they show no evidence to prove that this statement is true. Like most anti-vaccine groups, the VLA falsely claims that the mercury in vaccines, as well as the exposure rate of vaccines, is harmful to the human body. However, in the article, In Defense of Vaccines – Part I, MD Mark Crislip, disproves the worry of mercury toxicity in vaccines. He

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