
Vladimir Lenin Essay

Decent Essays

Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was the Bolshevik leader. He was a clever thinker and a practical man; he knew how to take advantage of events. When Lenin arrived in Russia, he issued a document called the April theses, promising ‘peace, bread, land and freedom’. He called for an end to the ‘Capitalist’ war, and demanded that power should be given to the soviets. He demanded a revolution against the Provisional Government as soon as possible. In November 1917, under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional government, beginning the era of Communist rule in …show more content…

Under the NEP peasants handed over half of the food they produced to the government. Whatever surplus was left they could sell for profit. The policy gave peasants an incentive to work – the more food they produced, the richer they became. Food production expanded. The best, most successful farmers became known as kulaks. They became rich because of the NEP. In industry, the most successful workers became known as Nepmen. The NEP resulted in huge increases in production in all sectors of the Russian economy.

However in January 21st 1924 Lenin died. Lenin had a pragmatic and realistic approach to problems. He was able to ‘seize the moment’ which was vital in the Bolsheviks gaining power. His organisation and leadership of the Bolshevik party transformed it.

When Lenin died in January 1924 he had nominated Leon Trotsky as his chosen successor. Yet it was Joseph Stalin who was eventually to emerge as leader of the party. This was largely because Stalin was a clever and astute politician, who was seen as being a man of the people. He was able to manoeuvre himself into a position of power through his role as General Secretary of the Communist Party. Once in power, he exerted an iron grip on the USSR. Stalin’s aims differed from Lenin’s in that he did not expect to spread Communism worldwide until Communism was secure in the USSR. He also wanted to achieve autarky in

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