It's a dark room. An iMac projects blue and white light.
DESMOND YOUNG(28), a mixed race man with a scarf, composes music on DAW. He activates Cubase software.
He names a blue bar "melody" and composes a melody with the MIDI keyboard.
Next, Desmond adds a purple bar "drums" and composes drums with the MIDI keyboard.
Desmond creates a green bar "bass", picks up a bass, connects the cable into the interface, and adds a bass line.
He adds a yellow bar "guitar1", connects a guitar, and plays backing. He creates an orange bar "guitar2".
Desmond adds more colorful bars. The tune becomes more colorful and tight.
He activates Vocaloid software on the desktop and creates lyrics. Vocaloid Miku Hatsune sings
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I believe Master Carp is a female artist. Only women can write sensitive lyrics like this.
Shut up sexist. You ugly feminist bitch.
I'm a man. You made a contradiction between sexist and feminist. Stupid.
Desmond shuts off his phone and sleeps.
STUDENTS prepare to go home.
A doodle of a crab on Desmond's locker. The lock is broken.
DESMOND, now 13, opens his locker. Spaghetti spills out and messes up his textbooks and backpack in his locker.
Some students smirk. The others ignore him.
Desmond glares fiercely around.
Who did this. Show up. I'll kill you.
A FAT NERVOUS BOY (13) meets with Desmond's eyes.
Did you do this? You fat pig. Don't waste food.
No. No, I didn't.
No offense.
BILLY HENDERSON (13), a popular boy, approaches to Desmond.
Hey. Have you ever said you can play the guitar better than me? Impudent brat.
You talkin' to me?
First, who the fuck are you talkin' to? Second, I can play the guitar and compose a song. Recently, I start playing the bass, too. So, you are the impudent brat. Fuck off amateur. I'm busy.
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Desmond sings and plays the guitar. Billy sings the chorus and plays the bass. DRUMMER (15) and KEYBOARDIST (15) also play. They enjoy playing music.
Are Jerry and Molly here? Do they enjoy?
Desmond looks at Billy. Billy smiles.
Desmond opens eyes. Tears flow on his cheeks. Desmond slowly opens his mouth, but he closes his mouth. He carefully unwraps his scarf and touches his neck. His finger touches to the hole in his neck. The hole is a permanent trachestomy. Desmond is no longer able to speak or sing like before.
"I never sleep, cause sleep is a cousin of death." Did Travis from Taxi Driver say this? Or Nas did? I don't remember. I'm already 28.
Desmond wraps his scarf around his neck again.
Calm night.
Desmond walks and bites $1 pizza slices.
Bubble practices big soap bubble art. The bubble sparks too soon. People don't pay attention at him and walk away.
Desmond stops and looks at Bubble. Bubble never stop creating bubbles. Desmond claps his hands and gives $5 cash to Bubble. Bubble smiles and moves his mouth "thank you". But, his voice does not come
When the other patients sense that McMurphy is weakening, they urge him to escape. He tells them he will leave early in the morning after Billy has his date. He arranges a going away party for himself. While Billy finally enjoys the pleasure of sex with Candy, McMurphy and the
Caitlin loves Billy’s character even though he is homeless. Caitlin is fascinated with Billy’s character rather than what he has and his status. Caitlin is engrossed in Billy because he is clean. Billy keeps his clothes clean, himself clean and his carriage clean. In the passage Billy’s cave (p. 62).Caitlin says that his carriage is clean and warm. Caitlin is also attracted to billy’s character because he is not a normal hobo. Billy is smart, clean, polite and calm. In the passage Caitlin and mopping (p. 35).Caitlin says that Billy as ‘so calm’ when he exited McDonalds. This shows that Caitlin enjoys Billy’s company despite Billy not having any
During this time his young friend rejoins him, and is welcomed back with open arms by bubbles. However, his young friend has become addicted to drugs, and when the robber fails to steal the drugs from Bubbles as bubbles planned, bubbles meets back up with his friend at there home. However, in the morning Bubbles realized that his friend was dead taking the poisoned drugs in the middle of the night. Moreover, this causes Bubbles to turn himself in to the homicide police for the murder, but when the officers and captain leave the room he tries to hang himself. However, the police save his life and in a moment of decency the Captain refuses to press charges for the murder and instead leaves him at the hospital in a psychiatric/drug unit. In the last scene with bubbles we see him break down in when the detective and his friend or sponcer come to the hospital and his friend or sponcer enters the
“I think you are a liar. You want to kill me. You’ve killed every breathing specimen that has ever walked into the house. You have killed Gregory Temple, Chris Mulholland, animals, heck you have probably even killed the poor post man,” Billy says loudly. At this point Billy knew that he had to find a way to get out of here before she added him to her kill
| Fmaj /// | Gmaj / Gsus / | Cmaj /// | Fmaj / Amin(F bass) / | Dmin /// | //// | Cmaj / Fmaj(c bass) / | //// | Fmaj7 /// | //// |
At one minute and fifty-nine seconds we begin to hear Cassandra sing the next verse. The music drops right back to mimic the first verse. Again, the music is dissonant. The piano is loud but varies in pitch between her words from heavy keys to “tinkling” keys in a slow tempo and arpeggiated harmony. Her voice remains deep, manly, and ghostlike. The bass has a deep slow tempo as well. The “thump, thump” of the drum sounds angry.
7. Billy is emotional. He cries many times throughout the book, especially when his dogs die.
When Billy goes to sign the book and relizes
“This scene not only expresses Billy’s rage, it visually represents his childhood. Billy is blocked by barriers of gender, class, and
gravestone and he begins to cry. This is a close up shot of him then
He is able to use these parts to manipulate the audience’s emotions. The music playing from the car is an on-screen sound. As the man gets attacked, the volume increases. The sound helps intensify the scene that has been created by the film’s visual elements. The audience then subconsciously forms ideas, opinions, and feelings about what they are seeing. The viewers develop scared feelings as the scene intensifies to the happy upbeat tune. The increasing volume of the cheery song reflects the violence and the sinisterness of the scene. The song stops with the slamming of the car’s driver-side door as the man is abducted. There is a moment of silence and then a new song abruptly entered the silent scene. The music is non-diegetic and is an offscreen sound. The song is screechy, high pitched, and jagged sounding at first, continuing the anxious and scared mood. The song shifts into a sort of soulful hymn. The tone shifts along with the song. The audience begins to feel relieved and relaxes to the peaceful song.
The song incorporates a slow-mid tempo, complex harmonies, appropriate use of legato and staccato, slightly swinging rhythm, warm and thin timbre, minimal vibrato, smooth melody, and a calm dynamic performance. The instrumentation of this song is composed of mainly R&B instruments such as: electric guitars, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, organ, electric pad, keyboard, strings, and a drum set with auxiliary percussion. The song is comprised of mostly minor notes and high pitches, making the vocals vary in range. The use of these musical elements makes the song delightful to listen.
about his dealings with Candy. In doing so, the nurse is able to get Billy to turn on the other
A quiet piano playing only in bass clef enters with low strings (violoncello, contrabass, etc). The piano plays whole notes while the strings play barely audible pulsing eighth notes. During these first 30 seconds white light (symbolizing the piano) surrounds the set to display that the piano is what holds the theme. The white light syncs with the whole notes, lasting for four beats before it fades out and fades back in again. Beneath the white light is a deep purple, symbolizing the low strings. The dark purple is faded so one can barely see it, just like how one must listen for the pulsating eighth notes. Like the white light, the
He uses music subliminally to create the mood and affect the activities of the characters. For example, in Act 1 Scene 2, Ariel lures Ferdinand to Miranda with the song, ‘Come unto these yellow sands.’ In this same scene Ariel attempts to console Ferdinand (who thinks that his father has been killed by the shipwreck) with a soothing song: ‘Full fathom five thy father lies…’ In Act 3 Scene 3, he torments Antonio, Sebastian and Alonso with a banquet. At the beginning of the scene he produces a banquet, accompanied by ‘solemn and strange music.’