
Voces Inocentes: Salvadoran Civil War And Children

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Salvadoran Civil War and Children In the movie, “Voces Inocentes” Chava, an 11 year old boy from Cuscatancingo in El Salvador, lives with his mother and siblings in the middle of a war between the Salvadoran military and the El Salvador guerrillas. Chava’s father left to the United States when Chava was about 5 years old. Chava’s mother makes a living to provide for her family by sewing clothes, and Chava sells the clothes and also helps by announcing the bus stations to make money when he isn’t attending school. Since Chava is about to turn 12, he will soon be recruited by the Salvadoran military. While attending school he has seen fellow classmates be recruited to the army as soon as they turn 12. Then his uncle Beto visits and tries to convince …show more content…

Many children are more subject to death and injury because certain weapons can hurt children more severely than adults. Also, children are more affected because during times of war adults love and attention can sometimes become scarce, which can cause them to make unwise decisions. After a war, such as the Salvadoran Civil War, there are many long lasting effects especially on the children because they grow up with the conflict. Which then usually causes them to continue the conflict. For example, in the Gaza-Israel conflict children lost their families and their opportunity to go to school, and because of this they face many psychological issues. Often times when the children are recruited into the war they are forced to fight from the front lines against their friends and families, and this can cause them to turn to alcohol or drug use later.¹ Many of the psychological effects are linked to physical effects, and can then cause them to continue the war into their adulthood because that is what they learned growing up. This often leads to a continuous cycle of

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