Why as high school students should we be required to volunteer in our community to receive a high school diploma? No, we as high school students should not be required to participate in a volunteer program in our community because there’s no transportation, no places to volunteer and no time to commit.
First, having no transportation may be a problem for many graduates. If some people don’t have a ride, then they wouldn’t be able to do volunteer work. The school should provide transportation for the student because it s a school related activity to get your diploma. Most students might not have their license or even a car to get around. Transportation is a big factor today.
Second, there might not be places to volunteer. If there are no places
When applying for a position at a job, managers always check to see how much experience you have in order to check if you are qualified. When filling out a college application there are always questions that ask to write down any extra curricular activities you participated in or any clubs/service work you did and for how long. It is important to be a part of the community and to be dedicated to one or two locations for a certain amount of time to show commitment and effort. A student that has been a part of an organization for about three months and has not missed will be prefered at a college than a student that goes five times a month. Community service does not only help build relationships but allows students to spend their time learning new skills and it will benefit them in the future. Community service for high school seniors should be mandatory because it will teach the students how to be responsible, allow them to explore in depth something related to their career and improve their communication skills.
Many schools require students to participate in community service, but I think this is a good idea. Many schools do not require students to volunteer in community service. I agree that students should have to volunteer to graduate. I think that students should be forced to volunteer for community service sometime in their high school career as it makes people work and shows them what work really is. It also gets people off there lazy tail.
Is graduating a goal for you? To be the first one to graduate in your family? It’s like as if you’re almost there, just one more step but you need one more requirement to be eligible. In this article “Pro/Con: Should Student Service Learning Hours Be Mandatory?” By Claire Koeing, it states the opinion of why high school students should and shouldn’t do community service as a requirement to graduate high school. Many have their own opinion of why it is and isn’t important to have community service as a requirement. High school students mainly seniors already have so much stress and to do, but this does prepare them and give them a taste of how it will be after graduation.
For the volunteer project, I decided to volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club. Volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club has been a great experience. Interacting with the children’s and trying to get to know them little by little has been real nice. Each child is unique in their own way. During my experience volunteering I noticed a couple things that related to what we learned in sociology. Its really hard not to relate anything to sociology anymore; everything seems to be connected.
In todays society there are many things that people can be involved in. One is volunteering. Local organizations around my community are always looking for people to come in and help volunteer with the young and the old. A local Boys and Girls club is one that I volunteer at when ever I get a chance to. Volunteering with the Boys and Girls Club has allowed me to help the boys and girls to have a safe place to come learn and grow while having fun. It is a place where young people can come and know someone cares about them. Volunteering makes a difference in the lives of boys and girls in the community. (Volunteer1) Volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club has taught me more about the organization, what a volunteer does, and what I can learn from volunteering.
Many people believe teenagers must volunteer to be successful in life. The common thought is that you need volunteer and extracurricular activities to get into college however in our changing society this is not true. Students should not be required to volunteer because they need more time to do homework, it’s more useful to have a job, and it takes away from quality time spent with their family.
All through high school one always wonders why certain courses have to be taken. Thinking certain courses are a waste of one’s time and how it takes 12 years just to receive a diploma. Sounds crazy to think half of one’s life is spent in school preparing to receive a better understanding of education. During graduation, walking through the stage makes one along other proud and accomplished of all the efforts that took place. This not only helps one become more educated and aware of the things going around them, but helps become financially stable with a job or other necessities in life. Therefore, high school should be mandatory for students at least till there are 18, and not to drop-out.
As the subject of my Community project, I have chosen my classroom volunteer work from Foundations 2100 because though it was not an opportunity I specifically chose to go out of my way to go to, it provides me with an insight as to how there might be different cultures in the different communities I experience in different aspects of my life and by practice, it helps me to apply what I have learned in this class so far into such situations. For the past three Thursdays, I have volunteered in an English Language Learners Biology Assistance Classroom at Highline High School for my classroom volunteer work and have thus spent six hours so far assisting in as well as observing. The particular
My knowledge as a student and my responsibility were extremely helpful during my time volunteering at SMS. I used these two skills often when I was helping the students to understand information and keep them on task. My strategy of being flexible in the way that I helped each individual student was also extremely useful for me and beneficial to the students. I was able to have an impact on more students by adjusting how I helped each individual based on their specific qualities and abilities. I learned that I have the ability to have a much larger influence than I realize. I was able to have a large impact on the students at SMS during my time volunteering there. I would recommend to the future volunteers at Sartell Middle School that they
After high school, I plan to continue by volunteering at events around the community and the college I will be attending at. I am going to participate and join clubs at the University of Washington that focus on community service and provide me opportunities to give back to the community. I think that community service is important in shaping an individual and it would not only benefit me, but I want to give back to the community gave me the opportunities I have now.
Junior high school and high school now require student to spend more hours doing volunteer or community work.Some believe that volunteering is good for the community and they can help them out more.Some people believe forced volunteering is not volunteering at all.I feel that forced volunteering is not volunterring at all.Fored volunteering is not volunteerinbg at all you do not have a choice to do it and the teachers are making you guys to do it.Forced volunteering cannot help any student to get a good career and it is a waste of time..First reason why I think forced volunteering cannot help students in life because they do not get paid and forced volunteering sounds like you have a job and people are telling you what to do.Second reason
Studying to become a teacher has offered me the opportunities to see inside classrooms and speak with teachers and parents alike. Listening to both sides and viewing first hand, I can attest that parents volunteering in their children's schools has countless positive affects. Some of these pros include having extra help in underfunded classrooms, being informed about your child's education and in view of, leads to student's academic achievements increasing.
Do you think that students should be required to do volunteering to be able to graduate. Many people question this but some people agree that it should. Volunteering should not be required to graduate because it defeats the purpose of volunteering, people may not agree with what they have to volunteer for, and they may not have the time because of jobs or other things they have to do.
Nowadays, it is very difficult to get a job without a College Diploma. Our ever-increasing demands on student’s academic performances have insured well-educated adults, but what we have failed to focus on is the vital component of volunteerism as an integral part of rearing well-rounded adults. College students should be required to complete a year of community service/volunteer work before they can graduate, in order to create mature and caring adults and versatile future leaders. By mandating all College students across the United States of America to add another year to their studies and use this year for community service/volunteer work only, we will be able to increase their knowledge of community need, civic responsibility, and allow
In a college student's life, there are a million things that can keep students from serving their community. Between an after-school job, homework and social life. All of these are some of the “excuses” or the “responsibilities” many students claim to have. We never fully realize how much help our neighborhood may need help until we become involved. The question is: Should college students be required to do Community service in order to graduate?