“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
I am Alexis Brown a current freshmen at the University of Southern Mississippi. I am a psychology major, which works incoherence to why I have a passion for serving and supporting others. This quote speaks to my inner being because I personally have a passion and servant’s heart to see people beyond myself, encouraged, supported, and valued. No matter their background, race, culture, values, or morals. I chose to volunteer in an area that will service those less fortunate than I. Out of personal experience I understand what it is like to be on a strict budget, have little, and manage the incoming and outgoing of finances. Prior to leaving for college this past August of 2017. I worked in an organization
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I also took on roles that caused me to step outside of my comfortable zone and get to know individuals personally.
A challenge that I faced during this volunteer work is the tiredness I had while preparing for these programs. Mentally, my mindset has grown and changed while serving people from different financial statuses and social environments. I had to take the focus off of myself and put my focus into serving others in need. I understand that I could be in their predicament so I should self-sacrifice myself to make their day better.
Working in this social environment gives me the satisfaction of being able to support those in need. My passion to support and service people continues to grow as I work in this organization and other outreach programs. Knowing that I have the ability to make someone smile by investing my time and energy into their lives, helps me to live life with the right mindset. I have developed a mindset of not always receiving but giving with the right
"Nearly every moment of every day we have the opportunity to give something to someone else - our time, our love, our resources. I have always found more joy in giving when I did not expect anything in return." --- S. Truett Cathy, Chic-Fil-A founder
“I have a dream that one day I will overcome the struggles that I have faced living in a poverty-stricken community.”
Assisted young children between the grades of preschool to 8th grade in their education. I decided to volunteer because the children of today will be the children of the future and the more smart and educated they are the better they will be in the future. Another reason I helped was because it is hard for young children to adapt to the lifestyle of constantly moving from one place to another. Since their parents are migrants it can have a negative impact on them and their education. I remember one little girl is from Florida but every summer her parents move up to Michigan to work in the fields, but once the harvest is over they move back to Florida. She was behind in school and with the help of teachers and myself we motivated and helped her out so she was able to catch up. I really enjoyed volunteering the past two summers ago at the summer migrant program. If I had another opportunity to help I
There has always been a desire for in me to help others who can be in difficult situations or in need of help. This desire has pushed me to pursue a career within the social work field. There have been numerous instances in my life, where I took the chance to help others before helping myself. Whether these instances dealt with my family, friends, peers or strangers, I have always seen the worth in helping others. Putting others before myself has always been an enjoying experience because I am able to be selfless and provide opportunities to others who might not have the resources or help to do so. Knowing that I can have a great impact on others’ lives by directing them to resources or listening to their experiences excites me because I want
At a young age I discovered a passion for helping others and I have continued to be passionate about serving my community since then. At the age of eight years old I began the first year of what would soon be my ten year membership of 4-H. Through that program and my church’s youth group I truly began to understand what selfless service was all about. I first began helping others by walking dogs at the local shelter and helping my 4-H club clean the sides of the highways. I later was able to experience several mission trips that opened my eyes to the larger aspect of service. My love for helping people continued to grow as I got older and I continued to find ways to make a difference. One of my favorite experiences was getting to help cook and serve a meal at a homeless
Volunteering and participating in service projects are two of the most rewarding activities in my opinion. Some people may find it was a hassle or only do it because they have to meet the minimum requirement for school or work. Helping others, for me, has always been somewhat second nature to me. Over many years of volunteering I believe I have developed qualities that will stick with me for life and benefit me in my career. As early as freshman year, in high school, I found myself looking for ways to give back. I started by looking for opportunities within school, where I came across the A+ tutoring program, and so my journey of giving back began. While tutoring, my patience for others really evolved, partly by choice and partly because
When thinking about what career I wanted to pursue, I knew that I wanted to work with children and be able to make a difference in their lives. Volunteering has been a passion of mine since I was young, and as I have grown up I came to the realization that the opportunities I have enjoyed the most and felt that I made
Seven years is not a short nor a long period of time, but it is long enough for me to discover who I am and what I enjoy doing. I enjoy going to school and studying something new. I enjoy meeting with people and making connection. I also enjoy seeing people around me happy when I help them going through their struggles. And I also enjoy interacting the with community. Hence, I involved with quite a lot of activities since I was a freshman in high school. I volunteered at MESA, Key club, public libraries, American Corps, UC Davis Medical Center, and many more. However, when I started my second year at community college, I quit volunteering due not having time for study and family. I am currently working and going to school at the same time. I work as a student help at the student support center at CRC to earn some additional income to pay for my transportation, pay of the family bills, and save some money for future education. I was little upset because I did not get to volunteer at the places that love to go to. Nevertheless, I have gained some experiment through this job. It helps to conquer my weaknesses. For example, I get to develop my communication skill since I meet and talk to different students most of the days; different student has different personality, some have hot temper and some are introverted. I have a chance to learn how to talk to them. This is an important skill that I need in
The authors are trying to find a relationship between climate change, public health, and national security. They argue that climate change poses a threat to national safety and public health hence; it needs to be addressed. Currently, a majority of Americans are dismissive of the issue of climate change. The authors argue that portraying climate change as a threat to national security and public health will make the population have an interest in it. In particular, they assume focusing on the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change will trigger curiosity among the citizens. As a result, they will want to find more information on the issue. The
The personal statement is very important to applicants who intend to be admitted to an undergraduate or graduate school. The role of a personal statement is to make applicants be different from other applicants. It mainly serves the purposes of persuading the admission committee of applicants’ great passion for the study field, explaining their experience that shaped their personality, demonstrating their longtime desire and commitment for the degree, and showing their life goals. What the admission committee is looking for in a personal statement varies from school to school, major to major. Art and Design is a unique program requiring its prospective students to be different in every aspect. The Art and Design Admission Committee is looking for a student who has creative potential in all respects. Hence, for those who want to apply to the School of Art and Design, they should understand how to present their stories, experiences, practice, goals, philosophy, inspirations, and aspirations in a creative way.
My Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary studies concentrated on Human Service. This degree is unique in a way that it allows students to choose his/her own path of education. I chose the disciplines of nursing, education and psychology. I completed a clinical semester in a nursing home facility. Direct physical contact with patients was something that was very eye opening for me.
As a recent graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and a new Research Technician at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, becoming more familiar with different healthcare settings and helping others in doing so have always been of my interest. From my experience of volunteering as a piano teacher for inner-city children in Baltimore, I have learnt that even a small commitment and emotional support can make a big difference in the daily lives and the happiness of those in need. I have briefly familiarized myself to the hospital environment by shadowing physicians and conducting biomedical research but have yet to translate my volunteering experiences and the lessons learnt from them to the healthcare setting. I am a friendly, optimistic,
Literature has been used as a way of voicing thoughts or beliefs about the supernatural and its relation to the human mind. Throughout time, people have tried to put their thoughts down into something more concrete, into something that others would be able to either relate to, or which would create the basis of thought. The use of supernatural themes has enabled others to create a reality for their thoughts, fears and beliefs of both the world and the human mind. These themes have been able to give a new light on the meaning of reality. The role of the supernatural is prevalent in both “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe.
From sophomore to senior year, I volunteered at the Glide Memorial Church, an organization that helps to serve food to the low- income and homeless. I decided to volunteer at Glide because I want to give back to the community that I am part of by mitigating the issue of homelessness in San Francisco. On the first day of volunteering, I was sent to pass trays of food to people. I like volunteering there because I enjoy seeing the smiles on the people’s faces when I pass the trays to them. As I continue to volunteer, I was placed in many positions and challenged myself with different and new responsibilities. I did clear up, help people to clear up their mess and clear up the trash. I help fill in food in the trays and pass the other volunteers.
When I am at best, I help people. I motivate myself and feel motivated when I get to help others. Whether it’s a stranger, colleague, friends, or family, I feel my passion in assisting those in need. As long as it’s within my capability and moral belief that what people ask for help is ethical and legal, I give them my attention and time. I feel happy that I am able to give a hand, and I feel happy to see people become happy with the help I give them. Helping others put smiles on my face and also on them as well. I feel proud of myself that I have the power to help the