
Voting Is a Right for Americans Essays

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The United States of America, almost since its conception, demonstrated a shining example of what a successful democracy should be. As citizens of a democratic country, we have the privilege to choose our leaders and the opportunity to have our voices heard. Many countries around the world operate by dictatorship or royal lineage. In these countries, citizens are not granted the freedom to elect officials. Often times, these people face grave consequences if they speak out against their leaders resulting in arrests or other penalties. You would assume, with this knowledge, that Americans hold the highest voter participation. In a study from the 2012 Presidential Election by ABC, the number of American citizens actively involved in …show more content…

So, when I cast my ballot to vote, I do so in honor of those who sacrificed and worked tirelessly to guarantee my right as an African American and as a woman. My first official voting experience took place during the Houston Mayoral Election of 2009. Unlike other voters—young and older—I developed a strong sense with whom and what I was voting for. Mayor Bill White proudly served the city of Houston for three terms and was tough to replace. I did my research on the candidates’ propositions and paid close attention to their campaign efforts. My parents are strong advocates about the importance of voting. They always lectured my siblings and me about how citizens determined who got into office and how they represented the community. “You had a problem, voice your concerns with your ballot,” my mom would always say. My father would often exclaim, “Don’t gripe and not vote. No vote…no room for complaints.”
Going off to an out-of-state college, I did not foresee problems faced with voting. Registration methods vary from state to state. Across the country, college students face barriers with exercising their voting rights. In some areas, communities debate whether students can vote as state residents or vote absentee from their hometowns. In other areas, legislators debate whether student IDs can be used at polls. When I participated in the 2009 Houston Mayoral Election, I

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