VU21476 Unit Assessment
Task 1
1)Look up the meaning to these words,in your dictionary,and write the meaning below.
The main body of matter in a book or manuscript.
Any part of the face,as the nose,chin.
The object for which anything exists or is done,made,used
Assembly of hearers or spectators.
The act or fact of communicating,transmission.
The parts of a discourse or writing which precede or follow and are directly connected with,a given passage or word.
piece of writing on a specific topic
The act of transacting
Type 1:How to make a disney paper plane.
2) How to make a Disney paper plane
3) Bulldog
4) Make a Disney paper plane
Type to enter
1. Before you begin reading this section use a dictionary to define the following vocabulary:
The goal of communications is to make ethics a live, ongoing conversation. If ethics is something that is constantly addressed, referenced frequently in company meetings, and in personal conversations among managers and employees, then people are more aware and more willing to defend the company’s policies when they see or hear of problems. Employees will hold other employees responsible and accountable for living the company’s values.
You have 5 minutes to complete this test. Match the appropriate definition to the vocabulary.
1. Why does Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, say that experiences might bring more satisfaction than durable goods? Do you agree or disagree?
Note any words or phrases that are unfamiliar to you or that are used in a special sense. Define them and be sure to record the page number.
Examine the financial characteristics of health care delivery along with managing costs, revenues, and human resources
VOCABULARY: Without using the internet, write the definition for the words you know. Then if you have blanks look them up in your textbook. (middle of the book A)
The purpose or the message of a speech is the thought or the idea of the speaker that they had during writing the speech. It’s the message they want audience to receive through their words. The purpose of Jamila Lyiscott
Specific Purpose: The specific purpose identifies information you want to communicate and a goal for the audience – “After listening to my speech, the audience will…” (Not in spoken text)
*Homework: Finish any reading/study guide/vocabulary-Have students create a power point for 15 words. Explain that you want the definition/picture/sentence/synonyms/
This activity will cover the standards 3.RN.2.1, 3.RN.3.1, and 3.RN.3.2.The learning outcome states that the student will be able to read and comprehend a variety of nonfiction within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 2-3. By the end of grade 3, students interact with texts proficiently and independently. The standard 3.RN.2.1 states that the student will be able to ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. This activity will have questions to test their comprehension of the material and they will have to follow the directions or else the slime will not turn out right. 3.RN.3.1 states that the student will apply knowledge of text features to locate information and gain meaning from a text (e.g., maps, illustrations, charts, font/format). In this assignment the students will have to follow the directions for the slime to be successful and they will be able to locate information throughout the text. 3.RN.3.2 states that the students will identify how a nonfiction text can be structured to indicate a problem and solution or to put events in chronological order. The question will ask about the chronological order of the
Directions. Please answer these three questions, all of which are grounded in the lectures/PPTs, class readings, and discussions. You are welcome to use this Word document to align with the questions and format your responses.
Lastly, I think the point of this activity was to build a bigger picture with the small subjects given. This will help me become a better writer by assisting me by looking at the bigger picture and by looking at a different perspective. The concrete nouns enable people to create a solid story built by their own memories or emotions while abstract nouns make them look at the endless stream of possibilities making it difficult to understand the moral or meaning behind the story, because it could mean
Instructions: On a separate piece of paper, write down the word or term that correctly completes each of the sentences.
text, these words can offer a way to tackle the topic at hand so I can determine the purpose