Taking a look at this facility, a variety of vulnerabilities with regard to access control can be noted. The facility is just an open book. It involves no check-points most specifically for the parking area. Probably for those coming in on foot can be checked at the reception area in which case they will still be in the building thus not as safe an option. The parking area as well seems open for anyone to drive up and park without restriction or any form of check-up provided. Check-points facilitate security by ensuring that everyone coming in, and every car coming into a facility is accounted for and security personnel have foreseen that it is entirely safe to let such people in. This is not the case with old Orlando police headquarters,
The floors in the entryway are all hardwood floors, so carpeting that is too high is not an issue either. The door handle to the building is 37 ¾ inches high, so it can be reached even from a lower level. The door in the main entrance is easily opened, but I did notice one way that could make entering the building a little difficult for someone who is in a wheelchair or cannot move very quickly. In order to unlock the main door, an electronic key fob needs to be scanned on a scanner. The scanner is inconveniently located too far away for a person to remain in the same place to scan their key fob and open the door at the same time. Since the scanner only unlocks the door momentarily, the door would most likely lock itself by the time someone who had issues with mobility was able to reach the door handle and open the door. This could be fixed by increasing the amount of time the door remains unlocked after scanning the key fob or by moving the key fob scanner closer to the door handle. I also noticed that if someone is trying to enter the leasing office, the door is incredibly difficult to open even for people who do not have any accessibility issues. The leasing office door needs to be replaced with a
Safety: All entry doors should be lockable to prevent any un wanted visititors but also allow for an easy exit in the case of an emergency.
“Attack the Block” is a British film consisting of many genres including science fiction, horror, action and comedy, written and directed by Joe Cornish. Released in 2011, the film revolves around a major theme, demonstrating that all actions have consequences, but it also mentions a bit of redemption, as the characters must save themselves from evil creatures, as well as save London. The film also has plenty of commentary about perceptions and attitudes towards class and the police in England. We see how the police leap to conclusions and unerringly arrest the wrong people for the wrong reasons. “Attack the Block” highlights the disenfranchised immigrant youth in England surviving according to the rules and laws of their “Block”. They are already profiled as criminals due to how they look and where they live. They have to follow the rules of their environment in order to live their lives normally or even to survive day to day.
The DMS-5 provides different criteria when diagnosing a client with the disorder and within Criterion A, persistent or reoccurring experiences of depersonalization, derealization, or both need to be present. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) Criterion A also goes further into the individual aspects of the disorders,
An access restricted gated entry system provides residents a safe environment in which they can enjoy the cutting-edge fitness center, coffee bar, business center and gaming area. People looking for the best in location and both apartment and community amenities should definitely consider calling this impressive, award-winning apartment community
Check the external grounds and the neighborhood as to how secure the facility can be. Be a keen observer in finding red flags before, during and after the visit. Ask if how often they maintain the place and the record/history of the neighborhood.
Australian Women in the workforce: What jobs were available for women in world war 2 and how did the end of the war impact Australian Women in the workforce?
Before the 20th century women stayed home took care for their kids and kept the house spotless they were forced to depend on there husbands for everything. Those years are over, it was time for us to become dependent not fanatically but in the way that we no longer had to be discriminated or seen as the weaker gender. We wanted to work in a well paid job and prove to those who had no faith in us that we are capable of doing what man can do. In this century we have changed the way they look at women with great effort they have succeeded. Women in the past have made an impact, today the number of jobs for women has increased especially in fields that are traditionally for men like in aviation. With all the issues in the
Vulnerability is not weakness; vulnerability is a part of life. There is this perception of vulnerability where it is solely based around a person being weak, defenseless, or having no choice in whether one is vulnerable or not. Vulnerability is the opposite. It shows others how brave people can be by them putting themselves out there to show who they are and what they can do. The definition of vulnerability reflects its appearance in life with initially being defined as one being “capable or susceptible to being wounded or hurt,” then goes on to one being “open to moral attack, criticism, [and] temptation” (Dictionary.com, 2017). Throughout most of our lives, vulnerability is present in exposing oneself in a most personal way, regardless of the risk of emotional harm.
A key assumptions check is best used at the beginning of an investigation for a number of reasons. The CIA defines Key Assumptions as “any hypothesis that analysts have accepted to be true and which forms the basis of the assessment.” (CIA, 2009) Our key assumptions about the “Crips” are that we know where they operate due to neighborhood tags (graffiti) or an abundance of individuals sporting blue or purple colors. Hypothesize where the most abundant violence will occur based on police reports from the past 6 months. Additionally, it is also important to analyze where they get their money from. Examine drug related arrests attributed to the “Crips” organization. Open source gang databases like streetgangs.com offer an in depth look at gang locations and demographics. Additionally, the National Gang Intelligence Center, hosted by the FBI, contains a bevy of collected information on gangs throughout the country to
The member checking strategy is defined as the solicitation of “participants’ views of the credibility of the findings and interpretations” (Creswell, 2013, p.252). There are a number of examples of this in the text. One of the tasks of the researcher is to pay attention to detail. In this case, Blythe (1999) wanted to preserve the dialect and language of his interviews and often sought the assistance of the “wheelwright’s nephew as we asked each other the meaning of words” (Blythe, 1999, p.9). Although this is not an evaluation of findings and interpretations per se, it should be noted that Blythe went to great lengths to get the presentation of his data correct.
After parking, visitors are required to check in at the office for safety, but when you walk into the office, in a cozy corner of the building, you are greeted by the secretaries and their pleasant smiles.
It is not uncommon to find various organizations complaining about security flaws in their information systems. Failing to prevent or mitigate the security flaws may lead to system breakdown, errors, and loss of crucial information. This is why it is important for users of information systems to find the right solutions that can help counter and mitigate security flaws. One common problem with security flaws connected with information systems or networks is that the security flaws occur in multiples. Technological advances have, fortunately, made it possible for people and organizations to prevent and detect such security flaws using security strategies. Layered Security and Defense in Depth are two strategies that can help prevent attacks and protect information systems against security flaws. The two strategies are similar but are based on completely two different concepts. This paper compares and contrasts the Layered Security and Defense in Depth Strategies by explaining how each of the two functions. Additionally, the paper includes an explanation about the advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies.
In order for humans to connect with one another, they must accept not only their own vulnerability but also the vulnerability of others. However, vulnerability may be a trait in which every human shares, but not everyone is willing to embrace the concept. Understanding the power of vulnerability is essential when trying to comprehend human nature because it gives us the ability to see someone at their truest self.
Through the online research, I discovered how other churches have dealt with situations similar to ours. Learning what has worked for other churches has helped me to know whether or not their solution will be acceptable for our church. I found out where other churches visitor parking areas