
Vulnerability In Nursing Case Study

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Nursing profession has been challenged as well as given growing opportunities due to health inequalities and social injustices among the vulnerable population. Nurses are the advocators, they are the leaders of the society, and whenever they saw injustices and inequalities their voices will escalate because of their true commitments to the public. Below, I want to present some important concepts and endeavours taken by the nurses in promoting and reducing the social Justice. Vulnerability has been defined by Alberta Registered Nurses Association as “It can be changed at any point of his or her life, and a person can be vulnerable. Someone can be vulnerable for little while or permanently. Vulnerability can come back again and again, like the …show more content…

Susan Decker a RN, and Patricia Cary, for instance have advocated by stating that “A hallmark challenge for individuals who are poor and disabled, and often marginalized from mainstream society, is maintaining integ¬rity and being a whole person, rather than a sum of broken parts and a key to maintaining this integrity is the ability to find stable housing and support systems.”(Journal of Psychological nursing, 2006).Thus, it is obvious that when people are dying because of hunger, harsh cold and scorching heat, in the street, how the humanity and morality inside a professional nurse can stop …show more content…

CNA’s publication on the social justice states that “social justice is a means to an end and an ends in itself” (CNA, social justice, 2010, p.5).It is a means to end because social justice is a need of every individual’s health no matter where they live including the health of nurses and health care system as a whole whereas, it is an end in itself because a just society is a better society. (CNA Ethics in practice, 2009). Thus, CNA has developed a second version of social Justice Gauze to recognize the social injustices and taking appropriate actions to improve the

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