
Vulnerability of the Mentally Ill

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Vulnerability of the Mentally Ill Eva Morris American Sentinel University Vulnerability of the Mentally Ill Evaluation and treatment of the mentally ill population has developed from confinement of the mad during colonial times, into the biomedical balancing of neurological impairment seen in these modern times. There were eras of mental health reform, medicalization, and deinstitutionalization sandwiched in between (Nies & McEwen, 2011). Regardless of the stage of understanding and development, communities have not been completely successful in dealing with and treating persons who are mentally unwell. Fortunately, treatment has become more compassionate; social and professional attitudes have morphed into more humanistic and …show more content…

The piece of this health reform act related to mental health stipulates that there be state laws mandating or regulating mental health benefits ("NCSL," 2012). This author has found no literature that indicates the effectiveness of the PPACA. Perhaps it is too early to determine the success or failure of the PPACA. At the state level, the Department of Health and Hospitals of the State of Louisiana (DHH) is the primary policy maker and provisionary for mental health care. The DHH sponsors a highly effective Office of Behavioral Health, which supports mental health programs and treatment facilities for Louisiana residents with mental disabilities. The programs provide crisis intervention, psychosocial rehabilitation, and family support services, as well as 3 inpatient treatment facilities. Healthy People 2020 Objectives The Healthy People 2020 initiative is a government-sponsored program designed to use science-based, 10-year national objectives to improve the health of all Americans. Healthy People 2020 encourages collaboration across communities, empowers individuals to make informed health decisions, and measures the impact on health of these activities ("2020," 2013). The goals of 2020 related to mental illness are to improve mental health by assuring access to quality mental health services, to reduce the suicide rate, to increase the number of homeless persons who need and also receive mental health services, to reduce the number

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