Though groundwater is an important source of irrigation in India, its availability is non-uniform in space and time. In Saurashtra region of Gujarat state, problem of groundwater depletion has arisen due to high withdrawal than rate of replenishment of groundwater. This also resulted in seawater intrusion in coastal areas at very high rate. The water harvesting and groundwater recharge activities played an important role in increasing the groundwater resource and also improved the quality of groundwater and decreased the rate of seawater intrusion in the region. Water is identified as one of the fifteen major indicators for sustainability and it is a major issue for fast
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Because of the heavy exploitation of the ground water the water table of the state is fast declining and the quality of water is also very deteriorating because of the increase in the depth of bore-wells. Interesting feature of the ground water table of the state is, it is evenly distributed across the state but that also suggests that those areas having scarcity of water would not get much help from the ground water resource.
Project requirement and availability of water in the years of the 2010 and 2025 in different regions of Gujarat Requirement of the water in Saurashtra and Kachchh regions would increase from 131000 to 14440 lakh cubic meters in the years of 2010 and 2025 respectively. So the scarcity of the water would increase from 3360 to 4269 lakh cubic meters in saurashtra and Kachchh regions, in north Gujarat the increment of the scarcity of the water n the same period is estimated 1418 lakh cubic meters; while the south Gujarat region is enjoyingthe plenty of water situation and the situation is further improving by 2327 lakh cubic meters. So the availability of water shows vast difference in the various regions of the same state.
Projecte requirement and availability of water in the years of the 2010 and 2025 in Gujarat (Figures in 10 lakh cubic meter)
According to the International Water Management Institute environmental research organisation global water stress is increasing, and a third of all people face some sort of water scarcity. Where demand exceeds supply and no effective management operates, there will be conflicts between the various players involved.
The water supply now and in the future affects the population in many ways. According to “Water in 2050”, the water supply is the determining factor of how large the population may grow. In some areas lack of
Industries are expected to use 265 billow cubic meters of water per year (Doc. D). With that said, there is several industries that rely on water (Doc. D). At the same time, the need for water in agriculture decreases and the need for water in domestic issues gradually increases, while the need for water in industries frantically increases (Doc. C). The requirement of water in industries keeps climbing high year after year as the water supply drops. Moreover, many industries must-have a sizeable quantum of water, which drives the water crisis.
Water is one of the most precious resources, which support the life of almost everything in the world. Indeed, the world is covered by 75% water, but most of this water is not suitable for human consumption or use. On the same note, the world has been increasing its consumption of water due to the increasing population, leading to increased demands. The increased water consumption, which has been a result of high population, is worrying because the matter may lead to massive water shortages in the future.
Water, like food, is a necessity for human life that is used for many purposes such as agricultural, industrial, and domestic systems. While water is a common element around the world not all of it is clean and able to be consumed or used by humans. With only a percentage of the world’s water being clean and the use of water increasing, the availability of water around the world has become a common issue in the developing and even the developed world. This may be a smaller problem in areas close to clean water sources compared to areas far from a clean water source but, the availability of water is not strictly based on location, it also depends on the specific political and social needs and issues of the area as well. These all become issues that must be accounted for when deciphering whether water is a basic human right or a commodity and what action must be taken to aid the developing water systems in community’s that lack them.
Countries will face many problems due to climate change and the capacity of a government to provide health care will be reduced dramatically. What water scarcity does not necessarily mean the availability of water, with the planet being 70 percent water, but the quality of water. Presently, poor countries are already being affected by water scarcity. It is reported that currently 1.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and this figure will be 2.7 to 3.5 billion people by 2025 if effective steps are not taken to mitigate the water scarcity problem. Climate change causes different factors which may headway for political and social conflicts, so water scarcity will have major impacts on populations’ health. South Asian Studies is a reputable research journal out of the University of Punjab, which has been printed and available online since 1984. Muhammad Zakria Zakar, one of the three authors of this article is a professor at the University of Punjab. Rebeena Zakar, second of the three authors is the Chairman of the Public Health and Quantitative Social Research department at the University of Punjab. Third and final author of this paper is Florian Fischer, a professor at University of Bielefeld in Germany. The evidence of human caused climate change affecting the entire worlds water resources I can use to support my argument on water scarcity and its effects on
In order to address the issue of clean water availability, the objectives must address multiple levels of the social-ecological model simultaneously. Three overarching objectives will be addressed. 1) The current public water system must increase in capacity. The current public water system is small and up to 40% of households do not have access to the public water system (2). 2) Due to the rural nature of the population, expansion of the current system should begin
The world’s supply of water is in steep decline as more and more is being used each year by more and more people around the globe. Currently, 800 million people do not have access to a drinking source. At the current rate, 1.8 billion people could be living in areas of absolute water scarcity by 2025.
Water is the fundamental asset to bolster all shape life on earth. Shockingly it is not equally disseminated over the world via season or area. All through the historical backdrop of the world dams and stores have been developed with a specific end goal to anticipate surges, to supply drinking and
Last century, the population of California was increasing quickly. However, the water distribution of California is unbalanced, for the southern part has fewer rivers and lakes, but has more deserts comparing with northern regions. Therefore, many constructions have been built to transport (which uses 19 percent of state’s overall electricity, 32 percent of its natural gas, and 88 million gallons of diesel per year ) and store water. From then on, each time drought happens, the government will control the transportation of water, limit the provision of the northern region and supply more to the southern area. The extra part of the water will be stored in reservoirs. Today we are facing one of the most serious droughts, and up to now, the government has reduced 28 percent of residential water, storage 1.6 million acre feet water which is enough for eight million people using one year.
In the water sector, which is a special concern for this research, it is predicted that the water supply conditions in all regions and sectors in the world are likely
A study on the ground water depletion across the World ,specifically in India. The causes of depletion,current scenario and the way forward
Many people know that water is essential for human-being and it is not only valuable for health and life, but water is also important for industry and agriculture. Furthermore, use of water has a spiritual, cultural and recreational dimension. However, water resources are not infinite. Wide and inefficient use of water resources can lead to irreversible consequences, such as water shortage. This essay will firstly discuss the problem of water shortage on examples of developed and developing countries and include the diversification of the same issue in the different parts of the world. It will also identify causes and effects of this environmental problem on society and other spheres of life. Moreover, in this essay I am going to propose
It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development, and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report, water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy, irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further states that, more than one-sixth of the Worlds’ population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally.
Challenges faced by many countries in their struggle for economic and social developments are related to water (TAC, GWP 2000: 6) 2. India, too, is a varied country in terms of water availability and Maharashtra is a peculiar State of it.