Question 1
2 out of 2 points
"If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated." This is a statement of ________________.
Selected Answer:
Thorndike 's Law of Effect
Question 2
2 out of 2 points
A Skinner box is most likely to be used in research on ______.
Selected Answer:
operant conditioning
Question 3
2 out of 2 points
A child learns that whenever he eats all of his dinner he gets a cookie for dessert. This type of learning is BEST explained by _______________.
Selected Answer:
operant conditioning
Question 4
2 out of 2 points
A piece of paper
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The effect is known as ________.
Selected Answer:
spontaneous recovery
Question 9
2 out of 2 points
In Bandura 's Bobo doll study, children who observed an adult ignore the Bobo doll ________.
Selected Answer:
showed less aggression to the doll than those who never saw an adult in the playroom
Question 10
2 out of 2 points
If an artist were to blend red, green, and blue lights together by focusing lights of those three colors on one common spot, the result would look _________.
Selected Answer:
like white light
Question 11
2 out of 2 points
If an artist were to blend red, green, and blue paints together, the result would look _________.
Selected Answer:
Question 12
2 out of 2 points
Getting paid for each basket of apples you gather represents which schedule of reinforcement?
Selected Answer:
Fixed ratio
Question 13
2 out of 2 points
The "what" and "where" pathways are referring to the ________ lobes, respectively.
Selected Answer:
temporal and parietal
Question 14
0 out of 2 points
The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the ______.
Selected Answer:
Question 15
0 out of 2 points
The place in the retina where the axons of all the ganglion cells come together to leave the eye is called the ______.
Selected Answer:
optic nerve
Question 16
2 out of 2 points
The visible bumps that
The dark green background has an interesting subtleness with lighting falling across the shoulders and side of the head. The skin tone of blues, greys and green with touches of yellow, pale peach and pink
1. Write checks to pay the following bills. The beginning balance in the checkbook is $4562.79.
a. (2 pts.) What is demand elasticity in the $10 - $20 price range? Is demand elastic, inelastic, or of unitary elasticity? Calculate the value and show all of your work. Be sure to use the midpoint equation used to determine elasticity.
There is a statistical difference in the current level of democracy between North and South Africa.
I will start by introducing the project that I decided to do for 5s assignment. The 5s project which it is a method that many companies use to organize their workplace to make it more effective and useful for their employees. For example, at my work we already have 5s implemented and it is working great so far. It is easy to identify tools that we the employees need in the daily basis and we all collaborate to keep it sustainable. However, since at my work we are pretty good on this project and there are not more areas where I can take the opportunity to implement 5s I decided to do 5s to my storage house.
As you work with 3-year-old Effie, you keep track of all the new words she uses. You find that, on average, Effie uses two or three new words every week over a period of several months. Based on this information, Effie’s language development:
Answer:During a medical emergency Cannot ethically or legally turn a patient away who is in an emergency situation. If unable to adequately treat patient, must call 911 for emergency assistance. Patients cannot be turned away from a hospital or physician office if they are indigent or uninsured.Treating indigent patients COBRA contains amendment that prohibits dumping patients from one facility to another. It is also a federal offense. Does not mandate treatment but must stabilize patient during emergency.Not to abandon a patient Once agreed to care of a patient -- now in a legal contract. It is possible you can be charged with abandonment if not given formal notice of withdrawal from the case. And you must allow patient time
The composition I chose was Dorothea Tanning’s painting Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. This painting depicts two girls alone in the hallway of a rundown hotel, playing with the larger than life sunflower which lays in the middle of the hallway, reaching which the stairwell. What intrigued me first about this painting was its use of color. The color scheme that Tanning employs is complimentary. As we know, a complementary color scheme means that two colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel are primarily used. In this case, the complementary colors represented in the painting are red and green. Tanning shows a rich, blood-red color in the carpeting as well as on the shirt of the girl leaning against the frame of on of the doors. Those deep reds complement the ivy green color of the hallway walls, the leaves on the large sunflower, and the vines from the flower as well. Another aspect of color in the painting that pulled me in was the balance of color temperature that is featured. There are many warm colors featured in this painting which makes the slight pop of cool colors stand out against each other. Of course, the warm colors Tanning uses in this painting are the deep reds in the carpeting and shirt, the dark brown of the doors, and the wooden stair flooring that run down the hall, as well as the eerie yellows featured in the sunflower and mysterious lighting leaking out into the hall from a slightly cracked door. Meanwhile, the warm colors are met with the cool whites in the young girls’ dresses and skirts. Plus, the frigid greens popping out from the walls along with the enormous vines and leaves. The greens stand out against the sunny yellows in the flower and three petals that have fallen from the sunflower, coupled with the deep warm reds that line the floor.
Bandura suggested children learn from watching adults – referred to as ‘Bobo doll experiment’. Three groups of children watched a film of a variation in behaviour in adults towards a doll.
Study Questions: Answer the following questions (based on the reading), save it and then submit it to the professor.
Budget management analysis is used by mangers as a tool and helps determine that all resources available are being used efficiently. The budgets are determined yearly and are based upon the previous year’s budget and variances. This paper will discuss specific strategies to manage budgets within forecast, compare five to seven expense results with budget expectations, describe possible reasons for variances, give strategies to keep results aligned with expectations, recommend three benchmarking techniques, and identify those that might improve budget accuracy, and justify the choices made.
Skinner 's theory of operant conditioning was based on the work of Thorndike that he reviewed (1948). Edward Thorndike studied learning in animals using a puzzle box to propose the theory known as the 'Law of Effect ', responses that produce a satisfying effect in a situation become more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation. Skinner introduced a new term to Thorndike’s theory known as reinforcement (Skinner, 1948). Reinforcement is a stimulus (as a reward or the removal of an electric shock) that increases the probability of a desired response in operant conditioning by being applied or affected following the desired response. Skinner branched off Thorndike’s approach studied operant conditioning by experimenting on animals using conditioning chambers also known as a Skinner box and in 1948
The artist uses color by mixing blue, white,yellow and brown which are mostly cool colors are used. The artist uses white and yellow creating a spiral effect and draws attention to the sky. The artist uses dark blues and greens to complement with touches of mint green showing the reflection of the moon. The artist uses rich colors of the night and which corresponds with the true character of this Starry Night whereby colors are used to show emotion.
Color fills our world with beauty. We delight in the colors of a magnificent sunset and in the bright red and golden-yellow leaves of autumn. We are charmed by gorgeous flowering plants and the brilliantly colored arch of a rainbow. We also use color in various ways to add pleasure and interest to our lives. For example, many people choose the colors of their clothes carefully and decorate their homes with colors that create beautiful, restful, or exciting effects. By their selection and arrangement of colors, artists try to make their paintings more realistic or expressive.
The Bobo Doll Experiment was a study on aggression conducted by Albert Bandura at Stanford University in 1961 because there was a lot of debate about whether a child’s social development was due to genetics, environment factors, or social learning from others around them. The purpose of the study was to give credit to Bandura’s claim that children behavior can be acquired by observation and imitation of a trusted adult role model. The experiment was performed by a team of researchers who physically and verbally mistreated a 3- and 5-foot painted cartoon clown doll, that is designed to sit back upright when knocked down, in front of preschool-age children, which led the children to later copy the behavior of the adults by attacking the doll in the same fashion.