In the article, Linguistic demands of the oral directions for administering the WISC-IV and WISC-V, the authors explain that studies say the linguistic capacity of children should be considered when choosing and interpreting cognitive tests. Students in Canada are being tested using the WISC-IV and WISC-V, when many of them are not proficient in English. A study was conducted to determine if the WISC-IV and WISC-V linguistic factors were affecting the overall performance on the test. The test makers claimed that the WISC-V comes with reduced vocabulary and simplified directions, but it was unseen by the administers. Although Pearson claims to have these modifications, the Cultural-Language Interpretive Matrix (C-LIM) was created to decide if
In arguing that anti-Confederate southerners played a central role in Confederate defeat, Freehling shifts historical debate to ground that is at once familiar and novel. Historians such as Drew Gilpin Faust and Paul Escott have identified internal disaffection as the primary cause of Confederate defeat while Gary Gallagher has suggested that whites in the Confederacy maintained their support for the government even as military losses ended the war.[1] The South vs. the South expands the scope of inquiry, looking beyond internal fissures within the Confederacy to the divisions in broader southern society. In Freehling's telling, anti-Confederate whites undermined the Confederacy by remaining outside the nation while slaves sapped Confederate
Mr Campbell Newman was a popular lord mayor as a member of the Liberal Party, who served the Queensland government for three years from 2012 – 2015 (Lewis, 2015). In the recent 2015 Queensland state election, Newman was heavily punished by the public voters of Queensland as a result of treating the public servants unfairly by cutting jobs in contrast to his promises. He also claimed that there would be no forced redundancies and that he would try to lower the unemployment rate, yet these promises were never met. In support of this, the following essay argues that Campbell Newman didn’t interfere with the free market economy of Queensland, which can be beneficial for consumers in many ways because there is no government intervention. Instead,
Two Latinas and a baby were stopped by security while grocery shopping, because another shopper accused the dark-skinned women of kidnapping the fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde baby accompanying them. It was not until the fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde father of the baby refuted the accusation, that the women were released. My mother (who is from El Salvador) and my nanny (who is from Belize) were the two women and I was the baby. My mom and nanny would not have been publicly incriminated and shamed, were they fair-skinned. McIntosh’s article substantiates the ubiquity of white privilege. White people do not have to worry about being monitored while running errands or being pulled over because of their skin color. I agree with McIntosh’s point
My argument is about a family show on television called “The Fosters,” people assume this tv show is not appropriate for all ages.
Initiative 42 is the result of nearly 200,000 Mississippians signing petitions to have an initiative placed on the November ballot to amend the state Constitution. If passed, this citizen led initiative will hold the Mississippi Legislature accountable for keeping its promise to fully fund public schools, which the Legislature has only done twice in the past 18 years. That should be simple enough, but Governor Phil Bryant, Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves, and Speaker of the House Phillip Gunn have used their power and position to help confuse the public about the Initiative. Why? Such action is contrary to statements the Governor has made in the past regarding the public’s role in education. For example, in a December 2, 2014 article
MSTT spoke with Christine and Jake on the phone because Jake had just returned home from Valley Youth House and they had begun to get into a verbal altercation.
EJI argued in the United States Supreme Court that death-in-prison sentences imposed on children are unconstitutional, and the Court has now banned death-in-prison sentences for children convicted of non-homicide crimes and mandatory death-in-prison sentences for all children. Trial courts must conduct new sentencing hearings where judges will have to consider children's individual characters and life circumstances, including age, as well as the circumstances of the crime. The Supreme Court wrote that, because of "children's diminished culpability, and heightened capacity for change, we think appropriate occasions for sentencing juveniles to this harshest possible penalty will be
Tran and Strutton have been able to prove that viewers change their whole lifestyle to obtain these standards; “Viewers often copy celebrities’ hairstyles, employ their nickname, or mimic stars’ clothing, lifestyles, or verbiage” (Tran & Strutton, 2014). It is crazy for an audience of a show to feel like they need to change and be somebody else. The negative influences of these shows are definitely affecting ones reality.
The plan has drawn bipartisan concern for many reasons, as of late the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing to address how Congress should respond to the JCPOA and what this plan means post implementation day. The hearing primarily focused on concerns that are resonating now with the JCPOA which entitle: ballistic missiles, selling of Russian military equipment to Iran, national security threats, safety of Israel and Iran’s desire to acquire a nuclear weapon.
During the "Get tough" era and the "war on Drugs" era of the late 1970's through the early 1990's, the rise of women offenders that were incarcerated was nothing short of meteoric. In 1979, one in 10 women in prison was doing time for drugs. Today, drug offenders account for more than a third of the female prison population (37.4 percent).( Chesney-Lind 1998) Therefore, the population of women being convicted of these crimes are women who would not have been incarcerated anyway (Dr. Wendy Williams personal communication 2018).
Module five discusses trans health and all of the struggles that those in the LGBT community face in their everyday lives. Module five discusses many areas of concern that have to deal with reproductive justice. One example of how reproductive justice was discussed in module five is through the third major principle regarding sexual autonomy and gender freedom for every human being. Every human being has the right to be who they feel they are, whether that means changing their gender or sexual orientation in order to match the identity that they have felt for so long. This is denied to many people who wish to go through sex change surgery.
McCloskey states in his article “On being an Atheist” that he finds much more comfort in being an atheist than believing in an all-powerful and all-knowing God because of the presence of evil in the world. He goes on to use this evil in the world as his “proof” that there is no God that exists. He then uses arguments such as the cosmological argument, and the teleological argument to go further into his reasoning. He states that these classical arguments cannot prove that God exists. He argues that if there were an all-powerful being in the world then would he not rid the world of evil? This is why he believes there to be more comfort in atheism. Yes there is evil in our world unfortunately so how should a theist, A Christian, respond to McCloskey and his arguments?
Carol Dweck analyzed that most of the people whom obtain a growth mindset believe that a person’s genuine potential is unidentified; hence, he dissected that they believe not just anybody can become anything they would admire to be. I agree to an extent with the philosophy of the growth mentality, that one’s definite potential is unmeasured, but I also conclude that people can become as Einstein or Beethoven if one’s will is driven. Because one’s potential is unknowable, then theoretically one has the power to strive towards any level of success if it is moved forward consistently with perseverance and the desire to grow and exceed one’s notions of limits through trials and experiences. Hence, claiming that it is possible to envision what can be accomplished throughout years filled with dedication and training; the mind is not lost in oblivion, thus one can foresee what they can accomplish if they drive themselves towards it.
Within the pro-choice world there are many issues that are discussed like abortion, the instant where life begins and the use of contraceptives. This article will focus on not only the issue of using of contraceptives, but specifically the distribution of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent.
Waite and Gallagher also discuss the benefits that marriage gives to couples. Including the financial benefits, in that through specialization and by sharing incomes getting married boosts standard of living by thirty percent and this benefit is not incurred by cohabitating, as those who cohabitate do not share as much and are less committed to the wellbeing of their partner. In addition to the financial benefits, they also discuss the emotional benefits of knowing you have someone who loves you and who would take care of you. Children similarly benefit from having married parents as there are more financial resources available to help take care of them and they get to spend more time with at least one parent.