
WW1 : Short-Term Causes Of World War I

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It was believed that short-term causes were responsible for the outbreak of world war 1, However, some believe that it was the long-term causes that lead to the outbreak of the war and the factors that contributed to World War 1 were rooted in the deep history of old powers of Europe including Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Britain.The short term causes that lead to an outbreak of the war was when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a group of young nationalist this act of assassination set off a rapid chain events when Austria-Hungary were determined that proper response to the assassination was to prepare for a possible military invasion of Serbia (DUCKSTERS, 2017). Also the beganining of the alliance system that was made up of two groups, the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia) triggered a conflict between both powers which then led to an outbreak of the war (DUCKSTERS, 2017) . Moreover, people disagree that short term causes did not result in the outbreak of the war, but it was long-term causes that led to the outbreak of WW1, and also that Militarism, Imperialism and Nationalism were the long term causes that generated an outbreak of the war. The alliance system led directly to the WWI when it turned the quarrel between Austria and Serbia after the Sarajevo Assassination led into a conflict between 7 countries. The assassination was supported by a Serbian secret society called the Black Hand, Austria put the responsibility on Serbia. However, Serbia accepted most conditions but not the last one of the ultimatum which sparked Austria to declared war on Serbia. Russia felt that their need to defend Serbia so them began to mobilise. Russia was the major cause that led to the World War becouse their didn’t obey when Germany sent an ultimatum to them demanding that their demobilisation their troops. Russia then refused, so Germany declared war on Russia, this then caused France to be involved in the war by mobilising in support of Russia. Germany felt threatened by France so Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Britain sent an ultimatum to Germany asking them to stop invading Belgium. Germany

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