
Wacky Shoes Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

One day a get wacky shoes on monday.One reason I get a pair of wanky shoes after school.I had $10 because I work hard do ever thing my parnets said.And I want to go to the shoes shop so I do.But a when I got to the shop that when it got wanky.Then I see bule,black,redand yellow shoes that was $5. One reason I brought the $5 shoes because a will have $5 after and a want so junk food.I got chip,drink,candy and thing.After I put the on my new shoes.And I try to turn right but I turn left and I said what.I strated to climb wall and tree and I was scared of high. Other reason I walk past my house and try to get my parnet action but a run past it.Also I was really scare because my shoes was contorl me and don't have eyes.I try to close

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