We can't believe how quickly week 4 has passed at camp with group 34!! We started off our week by learning about some differences between machines and robots before exploring various accessories and having a robot battle in Lego Robotics and we topped off our busy Monday with an amazing trip the HKC Petting Zoo, where we played with the adorable bunnies and goats, watched the pig cool down in his pool, and picked up some flapping chickens! When we came back on Tuesday, we momentarily joined the NBA and played in a heated game of knockout at Basketball and we kicked off our shoes and ran around for a few crazy games during Krav Maga. This week's Wacky Wednesday was fairy tale themed, so on top of learning some really cool choreography and playing
Week 3 video starts by Jack argue with Warren the new layout that incorporates bar-coding and automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS). they were discussion about simplifying, eliminating, automating and integrating and what the ASRS would do for the distribution facilities. Jack wasn’t looking into the company current financial situation and more looking ahead into the future and how with having this new ASRS and how much quicker it would be than with the current system that they have for the picking. Jack also mentioned he wants 2 ASRS. But Jack has not really discussed how pricey this new system is and what it would do with the current employees that are on the old system and what they would do with the new ASRS and
One Saturday afternoon, Hayden went to a car dealership, and bought the 2017 Chevrolet Camaro. Hayden only has $30,000 in his bank account, and the car costs $25,905. Since we are talking about Hayden, everyone just knew he was not going to choose the monthly payments. After spending three hours signing paperwork, he decided to spend the rest of his money at the grocery store. After, a long day spending every single dime he had in his bank account, he comes home to the Electric Company cutting off his power. Hayden forgot to pay his electric bill for this month; he did not want to pay it because JEA charge him $350 a month.
Week four reading had a lot of usual information. Summers (2016) opens up chapter 11 by writing, “People do become angry” (p. 225). I think this is a great and truthful statement. Anger is a natural human emotion, although some people know how to constructively handle this intense emotion and others do not. Summers goes on to discuss that anger can be an emotion which is a clue that there is really an underlying problem that needs to be resolved (p. 225). This is something that I need to remind myself of. Life can get very busy and rushed, so I don’t always have time to deal with problems as they happen. Then I get angry over something small, when really I need to slow down and address my unresolved underlying problem.
Spirit Week has always been an enjoyable time for McGarvin, and this year had been no different. Hosted by ASB, the week, starting on Tuesday, was packed full of events and fun. Students enjoyed themselves in days such as Twin Day, Wacky Wednesday, Sports Day, and Formal Friday. At lunch, many participated in events that include Potato Sack Races, Musical Chairs, FLAGS, and Ski Races. Gretchen Lam states, “Spirit Week was fun. There were activities everyday and many students participated.” Not only that, but even students who didn’t participate in the various activities had fun. For example, Bricia Nguyen had says, “Spirit Week was fun. Even though I didn’t participate in most of the activities, it was fun being able to watch other students
Week four at Wild Dunes began on Sunday with three evening shifts 3-11PM. Sunday, the 31st was extremely slow with very few arrivals. I was able to concentrate on one of my goals – mastering the complex computer system. Being the perfectionist that I am, it is frustrating when I feel as though I haven’t mastered a skill so I’m working on that aspect of my personality. Since the shift was so slow, I was released early on this Sunday as there were no arrivals due in at the late hours.
Sophie and Lauren always make the most stunning projects in art, their unreal artists! On a hot day we all look forward, especially Valerie, to a refreshing game of drip drip drop where she somehow always ends up it! Who remembers bunk day where we dressed up as batgirls and performed an AMAZING performance??! That was definitely a highlight of our summer! Raquel rocked it with a special part, as our batgirl, and did a fantastic job. We were rewarded with a 10am ice cream party! It was so yummy!!!! Rochelle and Lilian are our star cookers always cutting butter, mixing, and more! That is why it is no surprise why our baking is the most delicious in the camp! Imagine all that packed into one day! It's been an amazing and extremely fun summer!! We wish you all the best year and hope you enjoyed the summer as much as we
When we look around us, we may not recognize that statistics is all around. Before I began to take this course “Statistics for Managers” I was not aware of how statistics actually worked. The first idea that came to my mind about statistics was probability. Not knowing statistics and probability are related because they both determine a possible outcome. Throughout this course I have learned what statistics is and how it works. In this paper, I will describe descriptive and inferential statistics, hypothesis developing and testing, the selection of statistical tests, and how to evaluate statistical results in analyzing data.
On Veterans Day, I volunteered to go to nursing homes to thank the veterans for serving and it was such a pleasure. I try to get involved with the activities as a can and the best part is that some of my FFA friends are in it so it makes my day be able to hang out with them before school starts. Our homecoming wasn’t that good but we have snow week coming and it is going to be awesome! I am creating another or trying to create another week event. Earth Week and it is a week to celebrate the earth and have met. events all week. I am going to see if we can get the whole Region V to come and I plan to have service learning and also fundraise all week for the trip to Africa. I am glad to be able to contribute to FFA and Student
Another month has passed at the Boys and Girls Club. As the mini-grant opportunity is approaching, James and I are interested and excited to possibly provide the kids with K'Nex building toys. Many of the kids are interested in these, and we are excited to have the opportunity to possibly provide the kids with their own set. The 'One Day Voices' also had their celebration party to celebrate their past performance. Overall, it has been a great month, and I am excited to see what's in store and we finish out the year.
It is an indisputable fact that time is our greatest enemy, especially when we are trying to accomplish as much as possible in a short space of time. However, we are all human and we sometimes err or fail to meet deadlines due to unforeseen glitches. It is thus imperative that we stay ahead of the game while we are waiting for the feedback.
In the book Journey of Crazy Horse written by Joseph. M. Marshall III, we learn about a man who draws on a Native American oral tradition to carefully unfold the life of Crazy Horse as a storyteller would. The result is a vivid biography that acknowledges the author's boyhood hero. With more than 300 pages, you learn a lot about Crazy Horse in this book. You can learn about Crazy Horse, the man who "reluctantly answered the call to serve".
We all have a week or a month, when things are not as expected! Let me go back to one such week in 2017 it was the week that everything that happened was not expected. Before retelling the story, characters have to be introduced. The main characters are Noor, Alya, Abdullah, Aziz and I. They are my siblings. As for the other three, they are my girl cousins their names are Jawahar, Maha and Ghalya. As for the characters that are unnecessary and will only be mentioned once, they are my Aunt’s son and my Uncle’s son. Also, there are Ahmed, my Father, and Fahad my cousin who have both passed away. It was unexpected to have a week of grief.
This peer-reviewed journal article discusses how the film His Girl Friday is able to convey both comedic and melodramatic moods coherently and simultaneously. Walters highlights the lighter, witty exchanges between Walter and Hildy and juxtaposes these scenes against the darker realities of a morally ambiguous press. Conversations full of innuendos point to a romantic comedy with a “re-marriage plot” and showcase gender politics, but melodramatic moments such as Molly jumping out of a window focus viewers back to the ruthless nature of the newspaper reporting industry. Ultimately, the article argues that His Girl Friday successfully amalgamates screwball comedy elements with more serious tones to create a complex yet cohesive world.
Stasia Acosta as the marketing manager of AAA Office world who happens to be the manufacturer of office supply products must decide weather to yield to their largest customer’s demand of buying some of AAA’s commonly used file folder instead under the customer’s brand rather than AAA’s own FILEX brand. This is a dilemma in the sense that the Customer making this demand Business Center is AAA Office World’s biggest customers. The problem is, if she refuses, they might lose doing business with them which at the same time will result in profit loss for AAA. Another big issue is the fear that if Business Center start making their own brand of folders, FILEX sales will go down because they will start selling them at a discount that could potentially
The next story is “Saturday Afternoon” by Erskine Caldwell which setting revolves around the butcher shop where Tom Denny is a hardworking man who sells meat to his dealers and everyone who buys it likes it. The setting of the story which is a meat block is described to be dirty, stinky and a lot of greasy and fat flies swarming around the flesh of the bloody meat being chopped. Moreover, there is this big man named Jim, the friend of Tom who has a plan to kill Will Maxie, an old, smart and hardworking Negro. Will Maxie is said to be rich and making too much money because of his hard work in his business of taking grass out of cotton. Unfortunately, many men poke him with sticks and since he is getting old, he cannot fight back.