
Wake Up: The Big History Of Coffee

Satisfactory Essays

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". These were the famous words were used by Isaac Newton to describe his third law of physics but, these words can also rather effectively describe a pattern seen in big history. That pattern is that every event, every change, every action, has reprocutions or in more simple terms, every cause has an effect. The readings films and other resources from the course so far have examplified this phonomonon and they have showed that by using this reasoning, that every cause has an effect, we can better predict the outcomes of our actions and by examining the world identifying causes and their effects. and by recognizing these cause and effect patterns we can make better decisions and avoid repeating past mistakes. …show more content…

the film discusses coffee as an example of big history. the guy talks aboutthat big history takes normal every day things and asks questions about its origions and prodution and popularity and its effects on our culture. then big history makes you dig deep and find answers. in the case of coffee it started with the etheopians. they were the first coffee drinkers. then it spreada little to the turks arabs and

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