Decreasing Revenue Waldo University (WU) needs an online program to enhance revenue and increase enrollment.
• Recent economic issues have decreased state funding by 29% (Bowen, Chingos, Lack, & Nygren, 2013).
• Decreased revenue for WU of 15% due to enrollment decreasing.
Online Course Enrollment
• Two-thirds of universities provided online course options in 2011 (Smith, 2013).
• Flexibility provides student’s online degree completion, undergraduate and graduate.
WU has the opportunity to cater to large demographics’ needs. Furthermore, cost effectiveness remains a priority.
Budget and Implementation
A budget of $500,000 meets the project’s needs based on initial enrollment. WU’s aim toward the community’s traditional and non-traditional students will attract hundreds to start. The Distance Learning Task Force will use WU’s budget and online academic options to determine the most desired classes to implement. The professors create coursework using learning management systems. Information technology staff develop the online system. Consultants guide the online program department towards executing an efficient program within one year. Online courses will increase WU’s revenue within one year
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Setting up a Distance Learning Task Force is necessary to assess university resources, and student needs (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). This will allow administration to have all the facts needed to decide on a path. Task Force determines the expansiveness of the online program and the courses implemented (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). Departmental head’s research will navigate the universities decisions. Students take classes towards specific degrees, which the Task Force identifies. Priority of classes should focus on gaps in regionally based education (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). The Task Force efforts in developing a rationale has an effect on university
In 1937, Meridian Community College (MCC) was founded as a part of Meridian High School in the local school system. In 1965, the College also formerly known as Meridian Junior College moved from its original location to its present location. In 1970, the College merged with the historically T.J. Harris Junior College according to a federal court order to the Meridian Municipal Separate School System. There were more than 400 students and faculty joined the MJC campus. In 1980, Meridian Junior College established its own district and Board of Trustees. In 1987, the College officially changed its name to Meridian Community College to reflect its mission and the diversity it provides to a growing community (
Ross Lincoln subsequently, started in 1978, can be a for-profit college or university featuring the actual File involving Agent as well as Theologian involving Medico Physical punishment degrees. The training involving Penalization is actually resolved in Express, having clinical instructing stores in Miramar, Florida as well as Town, Greeting cards. The Schoolhouse involving Health practitioner Medicine is located in Street. Kitts.
The Lincoln Christian University, founded in 1944 as a bible institute, and has turned into a higher education community whose mission is to nurture and equip Christians with a Biblical worldview to serve and lead in the church and the world. Lincoln commits to teach our students to live out their faith consistently and considerately as leaders in the church and the world. With every class that is taught and every student that they graduate they strive to make a better world.
Gifts are things (whether that money or have a value of money) giving in the workplace with a value of $10 or greater.
My initial interest for applying to Radford University came about through an uplifting conversation I had with Danylle Kunkel, professor within the department of management. While attending a friend's basketball tournament who attends and plays for Radford University, Mrs. Kunkel and I met and spoke briefly about my aspirations for both business and management, and more specifically about my inevitably intention to turn my father's business "Z-Kabob" into a full blown franchisee. Long story short, she had given me some priceless tips about marketing decision-making, mentioning how Radford's entrepreneurship program couldn't have been a better fit for me. Her evident passion while educating me, and within business itself, is just one of the factors that makes me so eager and joyful to write this application with hopes of getting an acceptance.
When I used to think of Liberty University, I immediately thought of the largest Christian university in the world. I thought of the innovative campus and the plethora of degree options. I thought of The Vines Center and the convocations housed there with diverse speakers students get the privilege of listening to. A distinct Nursing degree was never a forethought for me until I toured the school of nursing and talked to the staff about the program and all it had to offer. “Training Champions for Christ” has been Liberty’s moto since it’s creation in 1971 and that is exactly what they do for students in any field, including nursing. The university cultivates an strong environment for students to grow in their faith while also challenging them
“Can You Be Educated from a Distance,” an insightful essay by James Barszcz, brings to focus some of the benefits and disadvantages of Distance Learning education (DL). In it, Barszcz discusses the mechanics of DL courses available to students, the quality of education DL can offer, and some reasoning behind its rapidly growing popularity. “Can You Be Educated from a Distance” is an engaging article that students of all ages can benefit from.
I choose to come to Colby-Sawyer College because it was a liberal arts college. I was not sure what I wanted to major in, but I knew that if I went to a liberal arts college, I would be allowed to take a number of different classes and this would help me figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Freshman year I took Future Trends which was a pathway class about predicting trends that are happening in society and in the world around us. This class directly connected with my marketing class because it gave me the tools help me predict future trends in my marketing class when we did the backpack simulation. This has been so beneficial because I was able to use the knowledge I learned in my other classes and connect it with my business classes.
The Black Student Union seeks to uplift minority students at Samford University by creating an encouraging community on campus. BSU service projects and events inspire the development of relationships between minority students and the entire student body. Brianna Walker, senior marketing major and BSU president, said, “All of these things are done to create a positive outlook on minorities. The Black Student Union gives them an outlet to express themselves within their race and expand the opinions and minds of other races.”
Various online degree programs are becoming more readily available to students providing additional opportunities, lower costs, and more interaction. Research is beginning to shift from accessing information from a library to using a smart phone,
Adam Savage once said “I think one of the defining moments of adulthood is the realization that nobody 's going to take care of you. That you have to do the heavy lifting while you 're here. And when you don 't, well, you suffer the consequences.” Now, what if we replaced “adulthood” with the term “higher education”, or more specifically, “distance education”? The words become almost synonymous when you define what it takes to succeed in either field. In the article, College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs from Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives written by Simon A. Lei and Rajeev K. Gupta, distance education is defined as “technology-based instruction in which students are at a location physically separated from their instructor during the entire course of study” (Lei and Gupta 616). In Lei and Gupta’s article, there are many drawbacks of distance education defined, but distance education remains an amazing opportunity because the benefits and the platform to develop useful life skills far outweigh said drawbacks.
Online degrees are becoming an ever more trendy method to receive a college education and many students are switching to online education due to the quality of material, ease, and the level of flexibility in distance education programs. Recently, the internet has developed into a reliable capital of information for college seekers. Everything from applying for financial assistance to taking a course can be done online. Now, a student can even obtain online degrees from one of many schools offering online education as a practical choice to a traditional classroom education. There’s a load of information regarding online education, and distance education is becoming increasingly popular for students everywhere.
Non-traditional students are finding it easier and easier to maintain a job, a family, and pursuing a college career at the same time. This is possible because more and more non-traditional students are receiving an education using distance learning, as opposed to traditional, in-the-classroom teaching. Distance learning is basically taking college level, credit-bearing courses via the Internet. One of the most obvious advantages of distance learning is that it puts the classroom in your home, office, or wherever you can find a computer and log on to the Internet. However, there is much controversy regarding the quality of the courses being offered on the Internet versus the quality of
Distance learning (education) has become an integral part of the education process over the past few decades and is growing in popularity as technology advances.(Willis 1992) describes distance education (as) "the organizational framework andprocess of providing instruction at a distance. Distance education takes place when ateacher and student(s) are physically separated, and technology…(is) used to bridge theinstruction gap." (Coutts 1996). Furthermore, "distance learning activities are designedto fit the specific context for learning, the nature of the subject matter; intended learningoutcomes, needs and goals of the learner, the learner's environment and the instructional echnologies and methods." (American
Education is an important part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education.