
Waldo University: A Case Study

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Decreasing Revenue Waldo University (WU) needs an online program to enhance revenue and increase enrollment.
• Recent economic issues have decreased state funding by 29% (Bowen, Chingos, Lack, & Nygren, 2013).
• Decreased revenue for WU of 15% due to enrollment decreasing.
Online Course Enrollment
• Two-thirds of universities provided online course options in 2011 (Smith, 2013).
• Flexibility provides student’s online degree completion, undergraduate and graduate.
WU has the opportunity to cater to large demographics’ needs. Furthermore, cost effectiveness remains a priority.
Budget and Implementation
A budget of $500,000 meets the project’s needs based on initial enrollment. WU’s aim toward the community’s traditional and non-traditional students will attract hundreds to start. The Distance Learning Task Force will use WU’s budget and online academic options to determine the most desired classes to implement. The professors create coursework using learning management systems. Information technology staff develop the online system. Consultants guide the online program department towards executing an efficient program within one year. Online courses will increase WU’s revenue within one year …show more content…

Setting up a Distance Learning Task Force is necessary to assess university resources, and student needs (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). This will allow administration to have all the facts needed to decide on a path. Task Force determines the expansiveness of the online program and the courses implemented (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). Departmental head’s research will navigate the universities decisions. Students take classes towards specific degrees, which the Task Force identifies. Priority of classes should focus on gaps in regionally based education (Hillman & Corkery, 2010). The Task Force efforts in developing a rationale has an effect on university

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