
Waldon Gerthberth Johnson: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The story of Waldon Gerthberth Johnson. Wally was a good dog. My father has had him before I was born. When we lived in Casper, Wyoming we had a huge yard for Wally to run around freely. He would always try to come in the house so we built him his own shed to have all of his toys and his food and stuff of his to be in there. One day my dad came home in this old rusted up 1984 Chevy Silverado. Once Wally saw that he ran towards the truck and hopped in the back of the truck and the box nearly fell to the ground. And a whole bunch of rust was left on the street. My dad had then made a spot in the truck for him. When we moved to cresco we had to live with my grandparents for 3 months. I had to sleep in a bathtub with Wally because we had ran out of beds. Finally after 3 months my father had found a house in Lime Springs, IA. We have lived in that house ever since. Wally would pull me around the yard in a wagon. (BTW I wasn’t even 1 yet.) And one time when I was 5 we took my uncles ranger out and go muddin and a lot of the time he would fall out and almost get run-over. …show more content…

On my 6th birthday my mom started a daycare program at our house and Wally had to stay in the basement for all day and all night. He would only get about 1 hour of play before we had to go to bed. So it was sad for him. One day we were power-washing the side of the house on a Saturday. And we realized that Wally wasn’t there any longer. So we looked in the basement and we wondered how in the world he got out because we had the basement door locked up

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