It took a lot longer than an hour to fix the generator and by the time we’re done, I am absolutely exhausted. Walker had finished the rest of the work, ordering the guards to put some rat poison under it. Flich, surprisingly, didn’t say another word to me. It was a relief he didn’t continue to try to talk to me. I think he finally understands I like space. I’m even more relieved when I’m back in the room; I woke up in. I actually look around this time and realize there are five beds, three messy with blankets and pillows and two untouched along with a few old dressers. I do remember my bed is in the far corner next to the blacked out window.
I pace over to it and collapse; face first into the pillow. My body is drained and my stomach is still sick from whatever drug
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“See, I can’t believe that. People just don’t help people anymore. It’s not how the world works.”
“Well maybe it should.” He pauses, looking down at his shoes. “Did you see any other women here today?”
“No. Where are they?”
“Well the few women there are, live in a different building a few blocks away from here by the well. It’s for their own protection, though I doubt that most of them need it. But if they find out you’re a woman, you wouldn’t go there. You’ll stay here and your life becomes very dangerous. There are plenty of men around here that would take advantage of you.”
I raise a hand, questioning him to make sure he had said something right. “Well. The West Water Well? That’s where they’re at?”
The old man’s face wrinkles with suspicion. “Yes. You don’t seem that interested in the fact that if your secret’s blown, you’ll always be in danger. That’s odd. Most women would be afraid. What’s so important about the well?”
I quickly shrug with an innocent look. “Just wondering. It’s what powers the generator, right? It’s important to know about where the water comes from, since you probably have a generator there that powers that building and gets the water from there to
I remember falling asleep, but I don’t remember being in a bed. I had fallen asleep in the hall due to my emotional state. My body didn’t need the sleep. My mind did. I’m actually happy I did. It got my mind off all my problems and sorrows for a good while. I sit up, pushing the unfamiliar blankets off my body. I’m in a strange hard bed in a foreign room. Everything around me feels new and alien. This isn’t my dull little prison. This room is slightly decorated with light brown walls and a dresser covered with random things.
Alice Walker's short fictional story, "Nineteen Fifty-five", revolves around the encounters among Gracie Mae Still, the narrator, and Traynor, the "Emperor of Rock and Roll." Traynor as a young prospective singer purchases a song from Mrs. Still, which becomes his "first hit record" and makes him rich and famous. Yet, he does not "even understand" the song and spends his entire life trying to figure out "what the song means." The song he sings seems as fictional as certain events in this story, but as historical as Traynor's based character, Elvis Presley.
In response to the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which expelled Native Americans from their homes, President Andrew Jackson said, “It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites; free them from the power of the States; enable them to pursue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions; will retard the process of decay, which is lessening their numbers,” (Jackson). It’s safe to say that Jackson proved to be a bad prophet. Almost two hundred years later, the “first Americans” now possess only a fraction of American land and face a litany of struggles. Of course, the demise of Native American culture and influence didn’t happen suddenly, but was a result of hundreds of years of oppression. Though European colonialism was a factor in Native American genocide, a critical analysis of specific American policies in the 19th century is crucial to understand how we got where we are today. Ultimately, a series of government actions that encouraged American settlement of the west created a snowball effect that drove American Indians to near extinction. The settlement of the American west had serious harmful implications on Native Americans through forced migration westward, theft of Indian land, and a series of wars with white settlers.
"I bet you all have a lot of barefoot, pregnant people there don't you?" he asks with a discriminating smile.
Since the melee at the Cache Motel, Edgar remained silent for both rides. Dee figured he must have phoned someone from the motel and arranged a pickup just outside a closed nightclub. And unlike the last talkative driver that had been shot, this shaggy-haired one never said a word even as they pulled into the parking lot of another motel.
One of the most mysterious secrets is ancient Egypt. For many ages people have been trying to discover the mysteries, that always pursue this enigmatic civilization. It is a whole world of the riddles, that may have never been guessed. Furthermore, this days Egypt was stately country with unbelievable works of art and architecture. The person who could definitely answer for most questions and show all grandeur of this country is the magnificent pharaoh – Cheops, who ruled this land about 30 years. I would like to meet this person to see real pharaoh with my own eyes, to question him about all secrets that had wrapped that time, and receive as a present something unique.
From her kitchen window Virginia saw her sleek black dachshund Rascal trot across the black yard with one of poor Margaret's femurs in his mouth. She had been eating the last bite of the watermelon her friend had provided when he started parading his discovery. The naughty dog had been digging in the compost pile again.
At about 4:00 a.m., a ship boarded a small port in California. It took three hours to unload the pretty light cargo. There were six crewmen who helped unload. One of them, a big heavy man named Bob used his knife to cut the boxes open and out popped about 800 kittens. The crew went ahh and ooh at the little furballs. Bob put two kittens in a box to take home for his two daughters.
Malise took deep long breaths as the doors to the room opened and in walked Adriana and she said, “Malise are you okay?”
“Craig, You dick! Hurry your ass up!” Ruby Tucker bellowed into her brother’s room. She had been ready for the last two hours, as she had been every morning since she’d started the seventh grade. Craig, on the other hand, was a lazy little cat who preferred nothing more than sleeping in, especially on school days.
"This place is full of loopholes." Logan suggested as her eyes focused at the small pond beside them.
William Shakespeare included supernatural elements in many of his tragedies, but Macbeth stands out among the others for its dark tone. In the very first scene of Act I, Shakespeare introduces his audience to the Weird Sisters. The Weird Sisters are three witches who tell prophecies, or make predictions about things to come. They inform the audience from the very beginning that, 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair,' meaning that appearances aren't always what they seem.
“What’s over there?” She pointed to a small stone path near the side of the house.
"...beyond the Ruins there is an expansive world filled with monsters like myself, being humans some will try to kill you so you shouldn't worry about what lies past this place."
What I’ve discovered, though, is that there are a lot more of us than I had previously thought. In all actuality, I was pretty sure we were the only ones even sent here in the first place. But, I am commonly left out of the planning so it’s not surprising that I was clueless.