
Walmart Argumentative Essay

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Should I Shop at Walmart?

Walmart is a multi billion dollar retail industry and has the largest revenue among other companies with an extensive revenue of 485.65 billion dollars a year. The corporation has been accused of racial and gender discrimination, foreign product sourcing, treatment of products, environmental issues, security and much more. Today, we are looking at three factors in determining whether we consumers should still continue shopping at Walmart; the impact on the economy, treatment of employees and personal interest.

In a documentary published in 2005 titled : Walmart: The Cost of Low Price,” stated that local government and town planners believe that when a new Walmart store is opened it will drive …show more content…

According to a report by Clare O'Connor of Forbes Magazine published in 2014 “ Walmart's low-wage workers cost US taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
Americans for Tax Fairness also reported “It found that a single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and & 1.75 million per year due to low income which often force workers to rely on various public assistance programs.”
Unfortunately the treatment of employees are not the greatest as large number of Walmart employees are now on government aide. Pay is at minimum wage which is way too low that leaves an employee unable to afford insurances. Allegations against the business giant about spying to ensure that a union will not occur and trying to manipulate employees to believing that unions are worthless are all correct and confirmed. Employees that speak about a union will be fired which is against labor law.
For a billion dollar-earner company, I think that these unfair treatment to employees should

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