
Walt Disney : An Issue With Race

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Throughout the course of eighty years Walt Disney has made a lot of movies. In these movies there are characters that dance, sing, and do things that normal people could not do. Their movies have been very profitable over the years; however, these movies have faced some serious issues. Walter Elias “Walt” Disney is the of the founder of The Walt Disney Company. He started off writing short little stories that could be ran in television and movie theaters. Some of these short stories were little pieces of “perceptions of reality and constructing a normative “vision” of the world” (Tavin and Anderson 21). Disney always seemed to have an issue with race, some show how different race’s were portray in real life. Walt Disney Movies even from the start seem to always have some sort of issue with race so viewers wanted more diversity because of the effect that it has on children In one of the more recent movies that was made by Disney The Princess and the Frog some of the scenes and information that used to make it upset a lot of people. Disney was supposed to make a movie that had a more diversity set of characters. However, the setting and plot put these characters into a more dominate white theme. This movie is based off of a well-known fairy tale that was written by Brother Grimm “The Frog King or Iron Heinrich”. However, as in any Disney movie things needed to be changed to make the story more entertaining, to the children audience. In Gregory’s article he

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