
Walt Disney Essay

Decent Essays

The Walt Disney Company has come a long way since Steamboat Willie where, the iconic face representing the brand, Mickey Mouse appeared in 1928 (Telotte, 2008). Walt Disney theme parks and the iconic mouse were accessible only in America for 28 years; more specifically, in California and Florida (Ferrell, O., Hirt, & Ferrell, L., 2009). Mickey Mouse, who is “arguably known by more people around the world than any other American” (Eisner, 1995, n.p.) brought fans and tourists from all over the world to visit the “happiest place on earth” (Ferrell, O., Hirt, & Ferrell, L., 2009, p. 112). Naturally, the clever minds behind the success of the of the Walt Disney company theme parks recognized the draw from a global perspective, which led to the assumption its theme parks would be successful internationally. …show more content…

“Planning in a global economy requires businesspeople to understand the economic, legal, political, and sociocultural realities of the country in which they will operate” (Ferrell, O., Hirt, & Ferrell, L., 2009, p. 106). There is an inherent need to focus and develop an international strategy prior to a leap for “leaping” sake. Simply assuming a business will do well elsewhere because of the level of success in its home court, is not enough for true globalization efforts. The company learned it could not impose the American way of operations and facilities on another culture (Ferrell, O., Hirt, & Ferrell, L., 2009). Despite, those loyal fans that traveled to America to visit the parks, an understanding of the culture is imperative for success, as it illustrates a respect for their way of living. There is no brand that can cross barriers without modifications to fit the culture of which it will exist, not even the famous Mickey

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