
War Of 1812 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Through the 19th century, America changed from a minor, unindustrialized realm into a worldly influence. Out of the many events that propelled this development, one was known as the War of 1812. One specific cause of the war cannot be identified since there were numerous reasons that doubled on top of one another. The reasons can be cut down to four central affairs known as maritime and trade issues, territorial expansion, War Hawks and the Embargo Act.
The argument on the seas, which involved trade, may have been one of the biggest concerns. Britain was blocking any vessel from going to France because of the war between the two countries. Britain considered any ship that did not stop an enemy. To try to impact the European system, President Jefferson approved the Embargo Act in 1807. This act stopped almost every …show more content…

Many of the members had been recently selected into office and strived to alter the path of the country.
The War of 1812 had America gather global respect for battling Great Britain for the second time in short time span. The war also proved the U.S.’s military, and additionally strengthened its army. The U.S. absorbed the methods of properly training its servicemen, and it now had battle ready men in charge. This feature would help the U.S. create one of the most powerful militaries in the world. The War of 1812 also strengthened America’s economy. The British blockade of America’s coast forced the U.S. to manufacture goods it normally imported, so after the war dependence on foreign countries was greatly diminished.
If it weren’t for the War of 1812, the U.S.’s military may have never improved as it did at the end of the war, and it would not have become as systematized. Americans started acknowledging the true sensation of nationalism after the war. The War of 1812 gave the U.S. military control, a powerful economy, which had less dependence, and the self-assurance to expand its

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