
War On Drugs Thesis

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There is an ever-raging "War on Drugs" in our nation and communities. This topic has become a large issue within our society. This law allows the overdose victim to walk away from an overdose and does not require any intervention or rehab to occur. Drug addiction has become criminalized rather than a disease. This should be changed. Society should be assisting those who are addicted by helping organize and fund rehabilitation programs to help them become sober. I believe that our drug culture needs to change in some way to help fight this "War on Drugs." Our society has the resources available and is responsible for helping those addicted to drugs to help build a safer and healthier society.
If you knew that someone needed help wouldn't you help them. If someone has a broken leg wouldn't you help them get medical attention. This should not be any different with drug addiction. This issue is like the story of "The Washerwomen" by Isaac Singer. In this story, an elderly woman is continuing to work even as her body deteriorates. One of her client's family realizes that this woman is frail and shouldn't be working but they do not do anything to assist the woman. On a particularly cold and snowy day, the washerwoman takes the families …show more content…

There are multiple self-help groups for addictions to things like alcohol, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. These types of self-help groups are more widespread and well-known compared to self-help groups for drug addiction, such as Narcotics Anonymous. Addiction itself is a mental illness, so whether an individual is addicted to alcohol or drugs the issue is still the same. However, our society treats alcohol addiction as a disease but treats drug addiction as breaking the law. This needs to be changed and our society needs to view all addicts as individuals in our society who need assistance and care to help get their life

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