The thermometer isn’t the only thing reaching the century mark this summer. A week ago Saturday there was a celebration at First Baptist Church that was a century in the making — the 100th birthday of Dumas resident Oleta Smith.
Smith’s milestone birthday celebration was a well-attended event. She received so many birthday cards, it took her several days to read them all.
“There were guests from 13 states,” she said. Those guests included her daughter, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, lots of nieces and nephews, as well as many other family members and friends.
Two guests who made the trip to Dumas for the celebration were men who served alongside her son, Warren Smith, in Vietnam. Smith’s son lost his life while saving the
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She was selected by the state of Utah to gauge fallout from bombs. She lived in Texas City during the industrial accident of 1947. Smith went into a missile hole during the Vietnam War. She visited 17 states and two foreign countries within six weeks time in 1968. She’s been to two World Fair events (1968 and 1982). She lived on a Navajo reservation for 17 years. She walked atop Alaska’s Mendenhall Glacier in 1992, and, most recently, she went zip lining in Branson, Missouri, at the age of 98.
“I’ve had lot of fun, interesting experiences,” she said.
In her spare time, Smith enjoys a good game of dominoes or cards, and she’s an avid Texas Rangers baseball fan. In fact, she’s watched the Rangers play at Wrigley Field and in Oakland, and she’s planning a trip to see the Rangers play the Braves in their new stadium this September.
Smith said she is not aware of any generation in her family living to the age of 100. She said she attributes her longevity to living a clean life and God’s grace.
Her granddaughter, Debra, said Smith also “eats a lot of chocolate”.
It’s apparent Smith discovered a formula that has afforded her a long and eventful life. She truly is living up to the words in Rep. Price’s resolution and is a “Texas
Born 22/12/29 she lived her entire life the N.Lincs area, most notably; Fuller street, Cleethorpes, Tetney, and Humberston. As a young lady Irene served in the Land Army, and later enjoyed a successful career at Findus, and in the later part of her working life as a Social worker, providing home care for the terminally ill.
Speaker: Margaret Chase Smith is a Republican who has earned her credibility by being a reputable and competent American Senator. Her one simple speech of bravery for calling out another individual, led to a surge of support from the public. She became renowned for her “Declaration of Conscience” criticizing another Senator.
Robert Brown and his family observed Decoration Day, an important holiday for the American Legion, with solemn reverence. The day started at dawn when Robert headed out to the cemetery, typically, with a couple of his children who assisted their father by placing a small United States flag on every veteran’s grave. The children sensed the significance that
The next governor of the great State of Texas, Ms. Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller, is
John Smith is important to history because his account of his ordeal with Powhatan and Pocahontas at the adoption ceremony helps us to further
While many cannot picture Smith in any context other than with Pocahontas, he had a very active life before he even met her. As stated by Woolf, prior to even meeting Pocahontas Smith had been “in an army fighting the Ottoman Turks in central Europe, during which he went through several escapes, was seriously wounded, taken into slavery, after which he murdered his slave-master and escaped, along with being shipwrecked twice.”1 All of these exploits happened before Smith ended up in Virginia at the Jamestown colony, and met Pocahontas, the narrative of which most Americans are intimately familiar with or so they think.
My grandmother, who is in her 80s, is very active and still quite healthy. She says that she maintains her health by taking regular walks, caring for herself (making her own meals, doing her own laundry, etc.), and playing Mah Jong (to keep her brain running). One thing that makes her different from my other grandma is that she is always living with other people, be it my family or my aunt’s family. This makes it so that she has people to talk to, people to converse with. It keeps her happy after my grandpa died. I think that that is a crucial ingredient of the elixir of longevity. (123 words)
Smith unique characteristic of breaking barrier allows her to find her way to the Lord. Smith was brave and vigorous for teaching about the sanctification using her personal experience of racism, classism, and other prejudices. I admire her for being able to stand tall even when people mistreated her. She also did not allow her past or anger to prevent her from being a good preacher. People can learn a lot from her life and ministry. Smith taught us about the need for change in the churches and society, and what it takes to make a real difference. The other lesson that I learned from her story is that God loves us no matter what skin color we have or how rich or poor we are. We all should love one another as he loves
About 150 people honored Susannah Mushatt Jones at the Vandalia Senior Center in East New York on the occasion of her 116th birthday, and certification of her being the oldest living person in the world. Her birthday was actually on Monday, when Guinness World Records formally declared her the oldest living person. Jones has been blind since age 100 and uses a wheelchair.
Smith worked plowing fields and laying corn, she also picked cotton and stated that she was able to
Her son war a soldier and her husband was a commander. She did everything could to help the with the war. She made bread, made cheese, and cider for the soldiers that would pass by her home dialy. She would make ammunition for the soldier by melting her own platters and mugs. She would also make shirts and coats from her sheets and handmade fabric. She would take care and heal wounded soldiers in her home. Her contributions were important like a lot of other women because she keep the soldiers going. She a So helped them when they were sick and were cold and need
This was the day I was born and when I first met Mary Noe. Mary, was my grandfather’s oldest sister, who wasn’t married and had no children of her own. However, despite popular belief, she never found herself lonely, because she invested her time into our family and all its crazy activities. Mary, loved babies and children and by luck she had plenty of them running around the house. I was the third oldest in my line of cousins on the Noe side, and as time pasted I had a total of eight cousins and two younger siblings. Thus, as one would suspect holidays where interesting to say the
During the weekend of my wedding, several of my close friends came to Texas for the
While growing up, my favorite days of summer were spent in the red plastic seats of Fenway Park, holding a dripping cone of soft serve, belting out the lyrics to “Sweet Caroline” alongside my family. Regardless of my appreciation for baseball, I never actually played baseball, softball, or T-ball; instead, I opted to watch the game from the sidelines.
“The children in Stamps trembled visibly with anticipation. Some adults were excited too, but to be certain the whole young population had come down with graduation epidemic.” Maya was so excited that Friday morning she stated: “I hoped the memory of that morning would never leave me.” Her parents closed their store the day of the graduation with a