
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Essay

Decent Essays

Warsaw ghetto uprising commenced after German troops and the police entered the ghetto to deport its surviving inhabitants on 19th July 1943. By May 16th, the uprising had been crushed and the ghetto lay in ruins. The surviving ghetto residents were deported to killings camp or concentration camps. This lead to a number of Jewish clandestine self-defense organizations to be formed called Jewish combat organization. Christopher Browning utilizes the loaded evidence of the nearly 300 survivors of Starachowice labor camp in Poland where the survivors were deported. He records the experiences of the Jewish detainees, the neighboring poles and the Nazi authorities to create a frightening history to one of the many dimensions of the Genocide. Institutions which have harnessed video testimonies from the few remaining Holocaust survivors are struggling with how to continue their goal of educating and commemorating the history of the genocide. Many of this video evidence of the holocaust have been utilized as an intervention by institutional practice and history for their own records. Yet, these testimonies are limited in scope as they are shaped not just by …show more content…

His excerpts describe the atrocious and lethal working and living conditions of that the camps presented, yet they were the only possibility of continued existence for the Jewish prisoners after the destruction of the ghetto in 1942. The camps were used for the production of weapons for the German warfare endeavors as they scrambled to endure vicious and crooked camp administrations. The Jews tried to protect their children, parents, spouses and neighbors. Ben Meed affirms that at the time of shutting down the labor camps in May 1944 during summer, the remaining Starachowice Jews had still to face up to Auschwitz plus the anti-Semitic sentiments and reprisals of the polish

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