
Was Andrew Carnegie A Hero

Decent Essays

Andrew Carnegie did amazing things with his money while and even after he was alive. He also had flaws and did some not so very good things. He used his fortune to do things like buying organs for churches, donating to colleges, and building public libraries. His Homestead steel mill, on the other hand experienced a strike and its workers were not very content, which Carnegie turned a blind eye to. So was Andrew Carnegie a hero?
The Homestead steel mill was located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was owned by Andrew Carnegie. The conditions were not very safe. One worker stated “...Sometimes the slag falls on the workmen from the roadway up there.”. The employees worked 12 hours a day and most of them only got paid $1.40. Workers were not happy with these conditions and formed a strike. Carnegie was not present during this strike, as he was in Scotland. He trusted in the …show more content…

His net worth was 310 billion at the time of his death. His daily “wage” was near $92,000. He also made amazing contributions to people and organizations. That included the Princeton University, Carnegie Institution, Teachers’ Pension Fund, and public libraries. Despite this, some said that no amount of money for public libraries would make up for the calamity at the Homestead steel mill strike. Although, Carnegie donated $4 million to the Homestead Relief Fund for steel workers and families. Carnegie had all this money yet his employees still received very low wages. Carnegie notably believed in survival of the fittest and that it was necessary for their to be poor people for the sake of the race. People found fault with how Carnegie gave his workers little wages yet “played philanthropist” with all of his generous donations. I believe that this lessens Carnegie’s tenability to be a “hero”. He should have given his workers a much higher wage considering how much money he himself was

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