China’s One Child Policy
China’s one-child policy caused female babies to be killed and the elderly neglected. When Mao Zedong had control of China he thought that more people meant more workers however by 1960 China’s population exploded and the one child was established. Was the one child policy a good idea? China’s one child policy was a bad idea because, not enough workers, too many elderly, infanticide of female babies, and because it was not needed. China’s one-child policy caused the policy nation to have fewer workers and more elderly.The number of youth workers has gone down factories report. In 2007 there were six adults for every retiree, but by 2040 that ratio is expected to drop to 2 to 1. Too few children to care for them, China’s
China has one of the biggest populations in the world, and it will become a problem if untreated. China realised that it had a population problem and introduced its policy in 1980. China's one-child law: Was it a good plan? The one-child policy helped prevent millions of births, this may have saved china from a famine.
After China suffered population overcrowding, China passed the one-child policy to fix these problems in 1979. The policy tried to lower fertility rates, the rate of child births and pregnancies, but was the one child policy a good idea? Despite this, the one child policy was not a good idea for China because the population was already lowering, lack of young workers, and social issues.
The real question comes into play, is the one child policy a good or bad thing? China's one child policy might have seemed brilliant at the time, but it overall did more harm to the people it affected, such as economic/emotional tolls, still rapid population growth, and many social consequences. While the GDP of China rose with this policy, the economic backlash was frenetic. The one-child policy reduced China's working class and created its own economic struggles when most of the population consisted of the elderly. Along with that, a huge emotional toll came with the falling economy.
CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE 1. China's one-child policy: A critical measure or a violation of human rights? This policy, created in 1980 by China's President Xai Ping, made it so every family in China can only produce one child. Some argue that the policy wasn't necessary and violated the Chinese people's lives, but I believe it was needed in order to make China a better nation. The one-policy helped improve the environment, economy, and education in China.
There are pros and cons to this controversial topic but thats the case for everything. China s one-child policy was a good idea because it caused life expectancy rates to increase, helped women focus more on their education, and helped decrease the amount of air pollution and emissions. All of these factors have helped create a better China. One of the many reasons China s one child policy was a good idea was because it caused life expectancy rates to increase drastically, and living conditions for many Chinese people improved, according to Document E, "With that rapid GDP growth has come better nutrition, rising levels of education, longer life expectancies, higher living standards for the vast majority of China." stating that after the policy, living conditions and standards have improved a lot, leaving China at where it is today.
This policy made it to where that only one child could be born in each family,and if not followed there would be serious consequences. The one child policy was not a good idea to control the population. It was a good was unnecessary and had a bad effect on the kids who wanted and needed a sibling in their lives and families lives. One reason why the policy wasn't a good idea was because the fertility rate in women was already declining prior to when the one child policy was announced and it had a negative effect on the families who needed more than one kid in the family to help out with work. (Doc B)says that" Most of China's fertility decline occurred prior to the one child policy".
So, is the one child policy a good idea? The one child policy was a good, beneficial idea because it led to a decrease in pollution from China, an increase in land per capita for China's citizens, and lastly, it helped to improve the quality of many women's lives. The one-child policy was responsible for a major decline in the amount of pollution emitted from China. According to Document C, the control of the population has led to a decrease in sulfur dioxide emissions by 17.6% and a decrease in water pollution by 30.8% (Document C). The decrease in population and pollution has helped to slow global warming, and overall, helped China to not be as harmful to the environment, as it had been prior to the policy.
The one-child policy was a supposed plan to solve a population issue. Originally, Mao encouraged families to have as many children as possible. As a result of this, China’s population increased. After Mao’s death, the Communist Party implemented the one-child policy. Its goal was to reduce the population of China.
The one-child policy was implemented in 1979 by the Chinese government (The Economist 3). Its original goal was to restrain the population growth from its expected goal of 1.4 billion to a maximum of 1.2 billion by the end of the century (Kane and Choi 992). The policy was created with little regard to the potential demographic or societal changes, but rather was a political and economic measure to control the abnormally high population growth (Feng et al. 84). China’s population was rapidly growing, but there was a severe shortage of natural
“Even before its inception, the one child policy was question for its necessity and its enormous social costs.”(Document B Fertility Rates) China’s One Child Policy was established in 1980 and is still in action today. The One Child Policy was put into action due to the rising population rates. There is a controversial question that has been posed, is China’s One Child Policy a good or bad idea? After all of the evidence that was gathered the One Child Policy in China is not a good idea but does have some positive effects.
Although the One-Child Policy in China had downfalls, the benefits overcome. In fact, many believe China’s One-Child Policy was not a good idea and had many flaws. I strongly believe China’s One-Child Policy was a sufficient theory in assisting environmental crises, strengthening feminine power, and revealing benefits of having singleton
The final reason that the one-child policy was a bad idea is because of the fact that China’s fertility rate was already decreasing and was one of the lowest rates compared to Brazil, South Korea, and Thailand in 1979 making the policy pointless and unnecessary. “The claim by the Chinese officials that the one child policy has helped avert over 400 million births simply cannot be substantiated by
The one child policy was adopted to help improve economic, environment, and population problems in China. The policy was used to limits the number of children that couples can have. When , the law was introduced it was only supposed to help with the overpopulation but , it has caused many children to be left and abandoned. Although China has a population problem, the one child policy was not the right way to handle the situation.
The One-Child Policy has its pros and cons. It has benefited China as it reduced social problems, economic problems, environmental problems, and poverty. Of course, it has its downsides as well. This policy involves forced abortions and an increase in problems with family support. One must decide if the One-Child Policy is either necessary or a terrible idea. In my opinion, I honestly believe that the
Since 1980, China has made its people the subject of an intrusive and unfair, One Child Policy. This policy was the result of Chinese officials becoming worried of the countries jump in population from 1960 to 1980 causing a widespread lack of resources, so they decided to induct a law that would make force Chinese citizens to be limited to one child. Because of this controversial policy the question has been raised, did the one child policy positively or negatively effect China? The one child policy did negatively effect China and its people, because it resulted in gender discrimination, unjust punishments and was unnecessary due to the already declining fertility rate.