Hitler was a very powerful man who wanted to kill the Jew or anyone that got in his way. The other countries and the parents were worried about the children. The countries wanted to help out the Jewish children. Then they started a mission that would save many of the Jewish Children. This mission had saved many Jewish children from the holocaust. The kindertrandsport was a very dangerous mission for the children and the other countries that were involved. It was worth taking the risk to save the children. Hitler had no mercy on anyone, not even on the Jew. He started to become even more powerful with his Nazi party and wanted to kill all the Jews. People were scared of him and didn't want to go up against him and his power. In the text it says that some Germans flee from Germany because they sensed that danger was coming. Most of the Germans couldn't escape from Hitler's Nazi party. In the text it says that some Germans flee from Germany because they sensed that danger was coming. Most of the Germans couldn't escape from Hitler's Nazi party. (As Hitler's power grew, so did his opposition towards the Jews.) This played an important role in history because it shows that Hitler was the one who started the holocaust. He also put the Jews in a dangerous place in history. His actions also caused World War 2 to …show more content…
They would at least save their children. The Kindertrandsport was an operation that save 10,000 of the Jewish children. The children would be put into Foster houses, put to work or in orphanages. In the text it said that the Kindertrandsport was quite risky. It was up to the children to stay in England, or travel to America, Belgium or Holland. I chose to tell about this part of history because if Hitler killed all the Jews there would not be a Jewish race. It was also very harsh for children to be growing up in a murdering society and seeing things they thought they would never be seen in their
The townspeople of Sighet also could not comprehend how the Germans would exterminate them and with what means. They thought, "This is the twentieth century, not the Middle Ages." Since the war seemed so far away the Jews of Sighet remained optimistic despite Moishe the Beadle's warnings. To many of them, including Eliezer's father, it was not worth liquidating their lives in Sighet to move to another country over the possibility of what Hitler promised. Even as the German army came closer and closer the townspeople did not believe the Germans would come that far for strategic and political reasons.
Millions of lives were taking during the holocaust, adults and even children. However thousands of children were saved by the operation know as the Kindertransport.
On December 1st 1938 the first train of the Kindertransport arrived saving about 200 kids from the Germans. The Kindertransport saved over 10,000 children from being killed by the Germans. This was such a big deal to everyone kid during the Holocaust. It was a big deal because they we saving kids that might have not made it if the Kindertransport did exist. It was tragic and horrid. When the Kindertransport came to be is saved hundreds of thousands of children.
The Holocaust was an event that Hitler a German leader placed upon his own country. Hitler placed knowledge on many believing that he was one of germany's best leaders in the textual it states some reasons about how Hitler became a german leader and how it effected Germany, “Germany has been struggling since 1918, When it was defeated in World War I. The German people felt humiliated, tired, and bitter. Hitler and his Nazi party rose to power by tapping into these feelings. Hitler declared that Germans were superior to everyone else. He also offered up scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems….” also found, “Hitler’s influence spread”. The Holocaust started because of why they hated the Jews is because of Hitler and how he acted towards the Jews because of the race he thought they were when they were just a religion.
As I read deeper into this passage, I found myself frustrated by the ignorance of the Jews. They kept receiving warnings, but they dismissed them. Moishe the Beadle warned the Jewish community in Sighet that they needed to leave the town and seek refuge somewhere safe, but they blew him off. They heard news from the Budapest radio that the Fascist party had seized power, yet they did nothing. And while I sympathize greatly with the Jews for their
First, at 4:45 am on September 1, 1939 Hitler stationed 1.5 million German soldiers in Poland starting World War II. Hitler started World War II when he invaded Poland in 1939 and killed a rebellion in Germany getting rid of his main threat to his plan. Second, Hitler and the Nazis also got a lot more violent and aggressive towards the Jews. When Hitler started the Holocaust he started killing, torturing, and forcing Jews to do work. Finally, on May 8, 1945 Hitler killed himself ending the Holocaust. During the Holocaust Hitler rounded up 6 million Jews, the sick, those with disabilities, and handicapped people all around Europe. Adolf Hitler played a key role in World War II because he made many interesting decisions throughout the
When Hitler was elected to be leader he seemed like the type to make everything fine, which everybody was looking for at the time, although within a couple months that all went downhill. As the days grew longer the Jews felt more and more apprehensive knowing something was going to happen but couldn't do anything about it. Hitler was the type of person who caused pain for pleasure. During the Holocaust, many countries enforced laws towards emigrating citizens out of Germany, like the Johnson Immigration Act, which limited many people to stay; the United States had room to take in all the people who needed help but chose not to help.
In 1933, while Hitler was creating his master race and totalitarian government, Dachau was built for government officials that were against Hitler. This facility, the first of its kind to be constructed, would eventually be turned into a death camp for Jews, the physically and mentally unstable, gypsies, and homosexuals. I have always wondered why the Nazis singled out the Jews and killed so many of them. Why the Jews? For a number of reasons. First, because the Jews were considered one of the “undesirable” groups because their genetic and cultural make-up did not meet Nazi standards, that is, they were not of the Aryan race. Second, Hitler and the Nazis had a very backward view of history, believing that all history was a struggle for racial superiority. Third, the Nazis, in their great ignorance, believed that the Jews had a natural drive, even a genetic impulse, to take over the world, and that the Aryan race would be dominated and enslaved by the Jews if they weren’t exterminated. Fourth, Hitler was brought up in Vienna, where Jews played an important role in the city's political and
After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader in 1938, he harmed many Jewish people. Jewish families were concerned about their children because they did not want them to be harmed. People in Britain and other European countries responded by starting the Kindertransport. The Jews and Refugee Support Committee created the Kindertransport and sent many kids to places where Hitler could not harm them. The Jews and Refugee Support Committee sent the kids away.
There are several various causes of the Holocaust event, the most common being the adamant hatred of Jewish people in the immediate community. Anti-Semitic views had already been widespread in Europe, even before Hitler’s time. It was believed that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Hitler had tried his hand at becoming a professional artist in Austria, but was struggling heavily. When he would see the Jewish people around living and doing better in life, his hatred grew--presumably out of jealousy. Germany’s defeat in World War I only made it worse. He, and other German soldiers, had blamed Jewish people even further for their loss. In the war only about one hundred-thousand Jews went to war, and only twelve-thousand were lost.
him or what made him hate the Jewish race so much. Studying Adolf Hitler’s beliefs can give the world history because he gave the world an insight as to why one would want to deliberately exterminate a race, political party, nationality,
will to live would be shattered by the Nazi rule. Upon arriving at the camps, the prisoners
“Those who had no choice but to flee for their survival and the survival of their families became refugees, seeking safe havens in other parts of Europe and beyond. At first, Jews were allowed to settle in neighboring countries such as Belgium, France, and Czechoslovakia, but as German occupation spread across the continent, these countries were no longer safe and refugees became increasingly desperate to escape. The life of Jewish refugees was described in this way: “[The refugees] were welcomed nowhere and could be assimilated nowhere. Once they had left their homeland they remained homeless, once they had left their state they remained stateless; once they had been deprived of their human rights they were right-less, the scum of the earth” (America, 2017).
The deportation of the Jews did not have any strong effects on the Germans. Also, they were not in the same situation as the Jews. They were not fearing death every second, starved, or running twenty miles in the horrendous snow. Because it was not them, they did not care. They did not have to fret, as their lives were not on the line. A famous example is Martin Niemöller's poem, "First They Came For The Socialists". Niemöller talks about how the Germans "came for the Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me" (Niemöller 7-11). Niemöller did not stand up for any of the minority groups that Hitler prosecuted because he was not one of them. This demonstrates how the German minds were working through this period. If it was not about them, then they would not take any action. Even if countless other lives were doomed. The German's reasoning for not rescuing the Jews was selfish and inconsiderate and lead to the execution of more Jewish
Hitler had shown unwillingness to tolerate the Jews and once he was appointed Chancellor, he started to take elimination measures like deportation, forced emigration, and isolation to enforce his belief. He took advantage of Germany’s weakness in World War One, then used it as an opportunity to blame the Jews for Germany’s defeat. Hitler’s political party was the largest political party in Germany thus allowing them to draw very large crowds to gatherings. He had very good oratory speeches with hand gestures that easily manipulated people to adhere to his views. Hitler constantly targeted the Jews because he knew people believed in these speeches. People in Germany were already anti-semitic but Hitler made it worse by constantly consuming them in his speeches. From the way he spoke about the Jews, we could clearly see the possibility of genocide. Hitler wanted Germany to be free of any humans that anyone other than his ideal master race so he personally selected bodyguards to be part of a group called the SS. Hitler was responsible for ordering the SS to carry out the extermination of anyone who did not fit this ideal. The SS handled oppositions using force and as a result of which people were forced to give into the idea of violence. Sometimes people purposely went along with this Holocaust ideal due to the fear of getting killed. These terrors allowed the holocaust occur