
Was The Mexican American Not Justified Dbq

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Based on all four documents I think that the Texans were not justified in declaring independence. I believe this for many reasons. Some reasons were that, the documents that we read were mostly biased towards their own country. Another reason is that they were all stubborn and tried to use conflict and cheating to get their way, for America it was to gain more land for expansion and for Mexico it was to get the Americans to leave them alone.
One potential reason is that there is only one document that did not show any sign of a bias towards one group or side, and they were supporting the Americans. Benjamin Lundy had a very strong opinion about the conflict and said that this was just a chance for the Americans to bring slavery over into Mexico and then spread it into America even further. I agree with Lundy, that was a very good …show more content…

Like Lundy, I am also against slavery and can show a kind of bias against Americans when they were involved and trying to encourage slavery on the United States. I could also show a bias towards the Americans since I am one myself. With or without bias though, I do believe that the Texans were not justified, although I am not on the side of the Mexicans. I do not believe that either side was right in their ways in this conflict. The Americans tried to use the times to their advantage and get the Mexicans to give up land. The Mexicans tried to cause conflict so that the Americans would leave their land alone and stop invading. This conflict did not cause the Americans to leave, but instead to engage in this conflict and take it further. As quoted in Document C it says, “Yes, my friends, they preferred to die a thousand times rather than submit themselves to the tyrant’s yoke.” This shows how stubborn they were in this conflict and that neither side was giving in. In Document D it states, “It has been to grab the large and valuable territory of

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