
Wash What's In The Sink Of Water In A DNA Lab

Satisfactory Essays

Things you can do to help around in the lab. 100% honesty: Since you guys are high schooler and not 18+ everything you guys do have to be under our supervision. Therefore, when you come to lab and you ever feel bore (you shouldn’t because there are way too much things to learn!) do any of the following.

1.Wash what's in the sink of room 786* and DNA lab*. When finishing cleaning the equipments and Geico bottles. If it needs be autoclaved, wash clean,let it dry,then add autoclave tape so we know it’s clean to be autoclave and use.

2. Refill DI water in the DNA lab.

3. Check water bath and shaker if they need more DI water in hot water bath room* and cell culture room*. Add 4 liters to cell culture room one. Add enough to submerge the spring …show more content…

Check the transilluminator room for any left over gel. Clean the transilluminator with ethanol and paper if is not clean.

Practice to help yourself

Practice using the pipette aids and non filter pipettes. I fixed 6 of the pipette aids and they are located in the second drawer on the left of the desk in DNA lab. Each pipette aids may be different when it comes to the filler and dispensing button. Some may have the filler on the top and dispensing on the bottom, others might be vice versa. Understand your tools before using. Practice by transferring water from different flasks to the microcentrifuge to the geico bottles. The unfilter pipette tips for practice is located in second drawer on the right of the desk in DNA lab.
Review how to make a bacteria plasmid.
Understand what the machines we use in lab are for. We usually describe the function of each machine briefly when using them. Search online,read the textbook, or ask regarding how does the machine function, how to interpret the data, what can go wrong to screw up the experiment (hopefully not),etc. [ e.g How to interpret the data from a nanodrop? What's the difference between miniprep and maxiprep? How to count cells?]
Look through the protocol binder to see any new techniques you haven't

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