Things you can do to help around in the lab. 100% honesty: Since you guys are high schooler and not 18+ everything you guys do have to be under our supervision. Therefore, when you come to lab and you ever feel bore (you shouldn’t because there are way too much things to learn!) do any of the following.
1.Wash what's in the sink of room 786* and DNA lab*. When finishing cleaning the equipments and Geico bottles. If it needs be autoclaved, wash clean,let it dry,then add autoclave tape so we know it’s clean to be autoclave and use.
2. Refill DI water in the DNA lab.
3. Check water bath and shaker if they need more DI water in hot water bath room* and cell culture room*. Add 4 liters to cell culture room one. Add enough to submerge the spring
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Check the transilluminator room for any left over gel. Clean the transilluminator with ethanol and paper if is not clean.
Practice to help yourself
Practice using the pipette aids and non filter pipettes. I fixed 6 of the pipette aids and they are located in the second drawer on the left of the desk in DNA lab. Each pipette aids may be different when it comes to the filler and dispensing button. Some may have the filler on the top and dispensing on the bottom, others might be vice versa. Understand your tools before using. Practice by transferring water from different flasks to the microcentrifuge to the geico bottles. The unfilter pipette tips for practice is located in second drawer on the right of the desk in DNA lab.
Review how to make a bacteria plasmid.
Understand what the machines we use in lab are for. We usually describe the function of each machine briefly when using them. Search online,read the textbook, or ask regarding how does the machine function, how to interpret the data, what can go wrong to screw up the experiment (hopefully not),etc. [ e.g How to interpret the data from a nanodrop? What's the difference between miniprep and maxiprep? How to count cells?]
Look through the protocol binder to see any new techniques you haven't
1. Make sure that you understand the objective of the lab(s) and the requirements for successfully performing them.
are a crucial procedure maintained by the staff very frequently at food establishments. Using the appropriate intermediate disinfectant is essential when wanting to eliminate visible filth off countertop, utensil, and etc. Since the staff of Pitman Hall keep a logbook on when to clean what area, this helps control the growth of pathogenic organism within the kitchen environment. The racks located in the dry storage and behind the grill are cleaned four times a year, the cleaning of these area should increase to a minimum of six times of year. This food premises did comply with O. Reg. 562, s.72 by having a three compartment sink that is made up of corrosion-resistant material for the use of cleaning and sanitizing utensils using the disinfectant called Sani Quad. Since the staff are handling chemicals all day, the employees of Pitman Hall are expected to receive appropriate WHMIS training every year and understand all the WHMIS
1.) Transfer the distillate to separatory funnel. Fluid didn’t seem very clear but sufficient to finish our lab on time.
XII. Take the 250 ml beaker to your lab bench. Set up a gravity filtration with a plastic funnel, folded wet filter paper, and an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour the content in the 250 ml beaker slowly through the filter paper. Wash the filter paper with deionized water. Dispose of the filtrate in the proper labeled waste container.
Submerge the graduated cylinder in the plastic tub so that it is completely filled with water. Hold the open end of the graduated cylinder and move it vertically upside-down where the open end of the graduated cylinder is still submerged in the plastic tub. Clamp the graduated cylinder the ring stand of the lab table to keep it in place. perforate a hole in the top of the rubber cork for the solution container. Cut a straw the length of about four inches. place the straw inside of the rubber cork hole. Set up your timer for two minutes.
The general principals for environmental cleaning are to ensure the hospital environment is as clean as possible to reduce the risk of infection, and that all precautions are taken in accordance to legislation and Healthcare policy’s and guidelines. “To prevent the transfer of micro-organisms which may cause infection, and to prevent the transfer of foreign protein which may cause adverse reaction and pose the risk of spreading diseases e.g. vCJD. “
All areas that are being used for healthcare activities should be cleaned with either disinfectant wipes each morning and in between patients/procedures. Equipment should be all new out of the packets and clean. For things more major such as vasectomy’s, minor surgery or family planning clinics, areas should be cleaned everywhere with a disinfectant fluid and also with wipes, gloves should always be worn as well as other PPE such as aprons and hats. All equipment should be new from the packet and only touched by the person who is using
mL cylinder to the beaker on the stir plate and empty it into the beaker. Place the pH probe in the beaker and record the pH in the data table. Drag the beaker to the red disposal bucket. Double-click the bottle of NaHCO3 to move it to the Stockroom counter. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for KNO3.
The initiative helps cement student interest in various career paths, but the goal of Lab Day is to inspire students and help them discover new
Do not use regular kitchen utensils (Advice on Contaminants in Game). Thoroughly wash any knives, butchering tools, work surfaces, hands and any other part of the body that has been exposed to animal tissues, blood, urine or feces with soap and water (Advice on Contaminants in Game). Equipment should then be rinsed with boiling water or sanitized with a chemical sanitizer. Additional precautions against CWD include soaking cleaned knives and tools for one hour in a fresh solution of household chlorine bleach mixed with an equal amount of water, air dry, then rinsing with clean water (Advice on Contaminants in Game). Wiping down cleaned counters and other surfaces with 50 percent bleach solution and allowing them to air dry also helps prevent the spread of the potential infections (Advice on Contaminants in Game). If bleach contacts eyes, skin or clothing, immediately wash affected areas with water and remove affected clothing (Advice on Contaminants in Game). When cleaning with bleach or harsh chemicals, make sure enough fresh air is available because bleach may cause eye, nose, or throat irritation (Advice on Contaminants in Game). Also, remember to air dry all bleached items. This will help kill off as many germs as
The first section of the lab is the hand washing procedure. What should was their hands before the lab, after the lab, and any time the hands come in contact with any chemicals or microorganisms. There are many steps to washing
Wash your hands and all of the equipment with mild soap and water. As a final rinse on the equipment, use deionized water. Dry all equipment thoroughly.
To be able to figure out the reasons behind thing, I need to also figure out how something works. This is why technical skill is second highest skill set. For my assignment, I needed to learn how Brock deceive Hull and how Lucas gather Intel. For the lab, I needed some basic characteristics of DNA to be able to gather understanding of the experiment.
12. Clean the system unit chassis with your brush, also clean your motherboard and the rest of the peripherals being removed.
Shortly after emailing him about observing the lab, he connected me with a graduate student name Anastasiya. With her help, I was able to take a tour of the plant laboratory; and observe her conduct parts of the laboratory work, as well as collect data. When I observed this lab, I did not participate at all and did not affect the results in any way. In order to gain information, I used techniques such as note taking, asking extensive questions, and drawing a sketch of the lab. In order to understand the steps that were taking place, quickly I realized, that extensive note taking on everything that I could see, smell, hear, and touch, was an adequate way to gain knowledge about the laboratory. I watched Anastasiya