Washing your hands and having a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing hereditary diseases. If you do not wash your hands regularly, you can spread illnesses to more people and infect them as well. Drugs used inappropriately can cost people their health and possibly their life. Your peers might think its morally right and even cool to participate in these destructive actions because others are doing it, or these students might be pressured by their peers into trying drugs and alcohol. If you wash your hands and stay away from drugs, you will prevent yourself and others from withstanding the harsh consequences of illness and promote healthy living in your
Dirt could very well be the most important part of a balanced and nutritional diet. A serving of dirt is loaded with nutrients and will give you minerals that your body needs, even helping you lose weight as it helps reduce hunger pangs and contains no sugars or fats. Dirt can also help boost your immune system and help fight off parasites!
Resourse officers, teachers, and administrators with experience in this practice of drug searches often discover talking about the drug problem wasn't enough and action is needed. High school students do and think whatever they want. I know this because I am a high school student. Mary White, who is a principal at Longmont High School, reported that "we had used the tradional methoods of drug education. We had brought in speakers to talk to the parents and the kids but that didn't seem to be enough." (Robinson) Obviously, students make their own desicons no matter if it's good or bad for them. This kind of search and seizure pratice leads the students to not listen because the want to be rebilous and want to try different things in life. According
While attending college there are many reasons why students turn to drug use. Some factors can include academic pressures which are brought on by exams, another may be the pressure applied by friends to start using drugs, or even just to abuse the freedom that has arisen from leaving home. Whatever the reason may be none are good enough to validate the use of common street drugs. Drugs are lethal substances that can do irreversible damage to major organs in your body, as a parent you want to make sure you do everything in your power to know what your children are up to. This can be extremely tough when they are away at college, however when they come home this is your chance to interpret any usual slang words or behavior to make sure they are staying clean and substance free.
Prescription drug abuse among college students is a growing trend on most campuses. Students are using these drugs inappropriately to not only “get high”, but to help with concentration when cramming for papers or tests, to self-medicate for anxiety or depression, and even to enhance their stamina when playing sports. Many people have stereotypes of what an alcoholic or addict is, and most people don't associate that image with young students. Although drug education has been mandatory in the US throughout grade school drug use continues to rise in college students. College is known as a time for experimentation, but for some students experimentation can turn
These substances change how people act and think. One day someone may be the nicest person anyone could meet, and a few days later while under the control of unhealthy substances they become much darker and more dangerous. Students put themselves and others at risk when they decide to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. “Students who misuse drugs face higher risks of physical and sexual violence, physical problems, and psychological issues”(opposing). It is obvious to see that there is not one, but many connected problems afflicting college campuses. Many Greek Societies lead students to “experiment” with Alcohol or other drugs. This “experimenting” then could very likely lead to being violent or being a recipient of
Drug abuse is an increasing problem in our society, and specifically among teenagers. This increased affiliation with substances is very detrimental to teens. It causes an inability to focus, increases the chance that you will continue your drug abuse through your adulthood and it greatly damages the brain and many other organs. Our brains are developing when we are in our adolescence, which is why it is very important to discourage kids experimenting with drugs.
Say no to drugs! Goggle search said “Drugs are one of the top causes of teen deaths and suicides in the United States.” Drugs have been around for years and each year the death rates and suicide rates have increased dramatically especially in teen students. This is why it is very important that parents teach their kid at an early age about drugs. The Teachers and school staff are trying their best to teach the kids that drugs are not cool. The schools think it is best that all Middle School Students should be drug tested. The drug-testing program serves as a deterrent for middle school students that are encountering drugs of all kinds, including steroids, alcohol and marijuana.
According to Columbia Casa and University of Minnesota (2015), students are facing the demands of coursework, part-time jobs, internships, social obligations and more, many turn to drugs as a way to cope. More students than ever are taking stimulants, such as Adderall, for example to help students stay awake long enough to study or complete assignments on time. All too often, these prescription drugs are obtained without a legitimate prescription or with legitimate prescription and are selling to friends and others. Students are now exploring many new aspects of their lives and wonder what could come their way. It’s not uncommon for that self-exploration to dip into drug experimentation. Students who are surround themselves with other experimenters that are trying recreational and performance-enhancer drugs are more likely to try these substances for themselves. These habits lead to a drop in a college students academic grade and has been proven to do so. (Addiction Center 2015) According to National Institute on Drug Abuse Young Adults ranging in age 18-25, the abuse of prescription drugs is second only to abuse of
On a college campus, it is a well-known fact that drugs are readily available in this day and age. If a student wants to get his hands on any type of drugs, there are ways he can do so. Drug use among college students may happen for a number of reasons. There is a lot of pressure that comes with having to perform well on exams. Some students will eventually break under this pressure and look for an outlet to ease their anxiety. One of these outlets could be common street drugs, it would allow them to escape the reality they are in and give them a short term sense of freedom. Free from their obligations and worries. Another reason may be because they want to fit into a certain social group and are being pressured to do so. Drugs are an addictive substance; after someone uses them once, it may be too late to turn back. Having a drug addiction is dangerous as it can damage many vital organs in your body and impair brain functions. Abusing drugs can be a life threatening issue and therefore should be taken seriously. If you believe a loved one or friend is having drug problems but doesn’t want to tell you, there are a few ways to find out for yourself.
Drugs can result in teens not doing well in school, which can lead to lower academic opportunities and career options.
Dirty hands is the common source of spreading infection. It is very important to keep hands clean to avoid getting infected and spreading infection in the community. It is important to wash hands to keep hands clean. There are two ways to keep hand clean, one way is wash hands with soap and warm water while rubbing hands together for minimum 15 to 30 seconds. Indication of washing hands with soap and water is when hands are visibly dirty, before and after eating, feeding, using the toilet, after coughing or sneezing, after using gloves, taking care of patients. There is also second way to clean hands, but it is advisable to wash hands with soap and water all the time, but it can ignore when soap and water is not available so it is okay to use hand gel or foam in the form of sanitizer. This helps to clean hands or kill germs when hands are not visibly dirty.
A drug is a substance that alters the mind, body or both. Drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in colleges today. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, the years most crucial in the maturation process (Shiromoto 5). During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily available, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there is a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer
It's that time of year again when just about everyone you come in contact with has some sort of sickness. If you haven't fallen prey to a sickness of your own, there are some things you can do to avoid the issue. In fact, here are 5 tips to stay healthy in the office, but that can also translate over into the rest of your day as well.
Drug use is an increasing problem among teenagers in today's high schools. Most drug use begins in the teenage years, these years are the most crucial in the maturing process. During these years adolescents are faced with the difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority figures and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily available, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there is a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and
These numbers reveal that teenagers face an apparent exposure to drugs, and have little trouble getting a hold of some if desired. This article concludes that drug use and its consequences are not stressed enough in the current high school curriculum. The statistics prove that more needs to be done to identify and educate students at risk for drug use.