The Washington Headquarters Services in Arlington, Virginia is an important organization which renders administrative guidance for numerous Department of Defense elements, along with numerous external organizations away from the Department of Defense domain. In addition, Washington Headquarters Services renders combined administrative and functional guidance to numerous organizations, Department of Defense Field Activities, the main headquarters, and numerous military organizations, the White House, and, in restricted amounts, the Congress. Washington Headquarters Services conform to the goals, mission, visions and values that delineate great performance collaboration, constant development and sustainability. The em-ployees within the …show more content…
In addition, WHS on a daily basis focuses on unceasing unifica-tion into structure, construction and Operation and Maintenance procedures. Lastly, WHS estab-lishes guidelines to improve daily operation and make sure WHS personnel comply with inferen-tial guidelines, laws, and Executive Orders. …show more content…
Furthermore, WHS is also responsible for execution of Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facilities (DoD CAF), focusing on Government employees security clearance eligibilities, manufacturing employees, as well as law making personnel. Vision The important vision of Washington Headquarters Service is to prevail as innovational, seek to be an outcome-compelled perform provider, and to be honored for the greatness of work that is done on a daily basis. Values To clarify, Washington Headquarters Services have six important values: Customer At-tention, change, honesty, teamwork, worker attention, and most importantly results. First of all, Washington Headquarters Services is definitely devoted to the people it assists. Furthermore, WHS employees are ingenious and quick to react whenever there are issues. In addition, WHS personnel in their work impose respect, dignity, and individuality. Also, WHS has a great internal relationship in an effort to gain common aspirations. Lastly, WHS is known to get the job done in a timely
My organisation’s mission is to provide an efficient and helpful service to all our customers so that our client base grows.
Provide a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
The Federal Building with services from various departments such as the offices of Internal Revenue Services, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Social Security Services, and Veteran's Affairs. This building is located near the corner of Ala Moana Boulevard and Punchbowl Street.
The company goals are straight forward; maintaining efficient interdependent groups that work together to achieve
Response: There are many resources to help departments reach there goals and objectives. The organizations high communication level and interaction cause benefit to departments assisting and complimenting each other. There has been a constant and gradual increase in employee productivity and goals are normally reached. The company has recently experience growth due to the
The Department of Veteran Affairs along with the Department of Defense who is also a key partner in planning to implement their actions across the whole organization while using collaborative resources from employees , stakeholders, political officiates. To achieve this they also participates in government plan activities, held joint meeting and cross the board working session with administrators and managers. The Department of Veterans Affairs implemented strategic Human Resources practices, updated policies, and procedures to align with the mission, issues surveys and gather up to date research as well as performance review and quarterly reports. The VA also developed a process to keep informed with the Department from Congressional committees.
President George W. Bush, appointed Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge as the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security in the White House. The office duties are to oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks. On November 2002, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act and the Department of Homeland Security became a stand-alone, Cabinet-level department. The department’s vision is to coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts. The creation of the department forms the most substantial reorganization of the federal government agencies since the National Security Acts of 1947. Ultimately this placed military departments under a secretary of defense and created the National Security Council (NSC) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Department of Homeland Security incorporates 22 government agencies that holds 179,000 people into one organization. The organization consists of five directorates: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology, Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection and Management. In regard to border and transportation security , DHS manages who and what enters into the United States to prevent the entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an agency of DHS is responsible for Emergency Preparedness and
Department of Defense: The person in charge is Ashton Carter, the function of the Department of Defense is that they are in charge providing military forces and they also help protect the U.S security. The budget of the Department of Defense is about $575 billion.
The organization pays attention to ensure the success of development programs, and strives to attract, develop and retain a world-class technical and functional work force.
Services are provided by highly qualified, cooperating with each other, mutually respectful and stable staff,
Respect the individual, provide the best service to their customers, strive for excellence, and exceed customer expectations. Their corporate mission focuses on a global growth strategy through concentrated integration. The company continues to expand its
Their short term objectives would be increasing sales. The vision would centre around employee co-ownership with the happiness of partners as the ultimate purpose. The mission is the satisfaction of employees. Finally, the value would be to represent the best possible choice, as a result of providing the best quality, trust and customer service.
The managers and higher authority must ensure that the health and safety of all employees are maintained and constantly
They strive to provide nice workplaces for their employees to grow and work in a better environment. Supporting Our Communities is the second. They are doing Community Giving Program such as giving the scholarship to build academic achievement for young people. Third and Fourth responsibilities they are focusing are Operating Sustainably and Conducting Business Ethically. They are putting efforts to maintain transparent business and to save electricity 30% and reduce waste for the environment. Their buying & planning offices are located in New York, Los Angeles, and Boston. Their buying and planning teams always try to get the current trendy products and find what their customers love at the affordable
The organization have a great vision which is striving to ceaselessly reinforce its position as a