
Washington Post Sunday Crossword

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The five people who have had the most significant effect on my language use are: my mother, my father, my maternal grandfather and grandmother, and lastly was probably my first friend Karen.
My mother is an immigrant. She came to the U.S. when she was only 5 years old. It was very important to her that she learn how to speak English properly, and she cringed when I misused or mispronounced words. She also has done crossword puzzles every morning, and I, in turn, followed her lead. One thing I look forward to is the Washington Post Sunday crossword. We also played a lot of Scrabble. My father was very intelligent, and taught me the art of conversation. We used to have dinner together as a family, and had conversations and discussions at the …show more content…

She was pretty mean, and kind of a bully. I really didn’t like her too much, and neither did the other neighborhood kids. One day, we were outside playing, and she and I were left alone. We started talking, and she said she was lonely because all the other kids were mean to her. I found, after talking to her, that she was lashing out because she didn’t feel as though anyone paid attention to her. It made me see her in a different light. I felt sorry for her, and we became friends after that day. I suppose we don’t really know what someone might be going through, whether it is a chance meeting with a stranger, or someone you may meet in your personal or professional life. We all have bad days now and again, and although someone might be sour or abrupt, it doesn’t always mean they’re unkind, or unfriendly. Now that I’m older, I do try to treat everyone with respect, and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it’s not easy, but definitely something I’ve learned with age and …show more content…

It’s a shame that listening skills aren’t taught better in elementary schools, because it is a learned behavior. The two habits that prevent me from being a better listener are: not being a patient listener, and try not to multi-task while listening. When in an interesting conversation, I tend to “jump the gun” and interrupt. This has been a problem all my life. My brain is going a mile and minute, and if feel if I don’t jump in and ask a question or make a statement, I might forget! I find when I am more patient, and wait for the other speaker to finish; I just might get the answer I was looking for without having to interrupt. The other big thing I can do is try to turn off the distractions. Because life is so busy, it is sometimes difficult to stay focused. It is so important to really listen to someone and give them your attention. In fact, I know how aggravating it is today to spend time with someone, only to find they are on their smartphones. It used to be considered rude, now it seems the

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