
Waste Not, Want Not By Bill Mckibben Summary

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In “Waste Not, Want Not” written by Bill McKibben, different topics were brought to the discussion and categorized as waste. There are many harmful kinds of waste McKibben identified to be dangerous: moreover, the topics I am going to discuss effect severe negative global warming impacts on earth. The kinds of waste Mckibben identifies that I think are most harmful are carbon monoxide waste, forest waste, and government waste.
First, with the example of carbon monoxide waste as McKibben writes that, “if carbon monoxide (carbon with one oxygen atom) exemplifies pollution of the first type . . . “(332). I am against the pollution of carbon monoxide, over time the surface becomes contaminated with carbon monoxide. Thus the body becomes adapted and replaces oxygen in the red blood cell with carbon monoxide, when this occurs, not only will it affect the tissue but may lead to death! According to McKibben, a vocal critic of …show more content…

For instance, White said “you can argue about cutting trees for newspapers, or magazines, or [b]ibles, or symphony scores” (332-33). Moreover, forest waste symbolizes a dynamic structure that has been built by major companies providing useless junk mail. A dramatic increase in forest waste is always expected due to the population growth: however, this does not identify earths’ future. Another alternative must be provided to replace newspaper, magazines, bibles, text-books, pencils, and the credit card junk waste. According to Restaino and David L inform readers that, “However, in dry temperate forests, wildfire is a natural disturbance agent with the potential to release large fluxes of C into the atmosphere Climate-driven increases in wildfire extent and severity are expected to increase the risks of reversal to C stores and affect the potential of dry forests to sequester C” (Restaino and David

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