
Water Advertisements: John Lewis And Evian Water

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These days advertising is very competitive, and for the advert to be effective it needs to be memorable and grab your attention. The society that you live in greatly alters the target audience, effectiveness and most importantly, the message. Messages portrayed by advertisements are dependent on the values, customs, desire and age of individual communities. Therefore products and services are suited better to some areas and age groups than others. The John Lewis Christmas advert (2014) and the Evian Water advert are prime examples. The message and content of the John Lewis and Evian Water advertisements have been significantly influenced by the facets of each social context, such as values, customs, desire and age to inveigle potential clientele …show more content…

The Evian Water advert is directed at a community that greatly values health and youth. The advertisement implies that consuming the product will bring health via youth, as babies are typically signs of good health. Health for one is pretty straight forward, as being unwell is unpleasant, and usually painful, mentally or physically. Therefore not being sick is valued in society. Youth is how health is portrayed in the advert. In the scene where the bottle of water appears and on the screen is “drink pure and natural” they are suggesting that their water will make you more pure and natural, and one of the most pure and natural forms is a baby. On the other hand the John Lewis advertisements biggest value is family. The hook of the advert is the story and uses family as the lure. …show more content…

The John Lewis advertisement key custom is Christmas. As it the John Lewis annual Christmas advert, Christmas is mentioned multiple times. John Lewis is and English store and Christmas is a tradition practiced in that country. Also it is a good opportunity for companies, as the public is spending substantial amounts of money during that holiday. An example in the video is at 1:54 and the boy is playing with his Christmas present, and the text appears which states, “Give someone the Christmas they have been dreaming of”. The second advertisement though having a far less distinct customs present, they’re still existent. The Evian Water Advert takes place in a modern, western city and has such customs appropriate as, appropriate fashion and hair, as well as the advert being spoken in English. These particular customs are appropriate because without them the entire setting would look out of place. For instance, the typical western fashion in this era includes jeans, denim shorts, skater skirts, solid colours, and more natural colour palettes present in clothing like tans, whites, blues etc. This is all present in the video. The message would be different if societies customs were dissimilar because customs help make advertisements more relatable and realistic. Customs in particular influence the idea of the advertisement, giving a sense of setting and determine the culture important to the target

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